Blood. ŞƏVƏN

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        He sat impatiently waiting on the slowing music to stop. When it did, the lid opened slowly. As soon as he slipped out he realized something was wrong.

       Carefully, he inched down the halls. His keen eyes caught the screw carelessly left on the floor.

      Even more frightened, he carefully removed the cover.

    The vent made a low popping noise as he slipped down it.

     "Vincent? Are you here my friend? Are you ok?" He called waiting for a response before racing in.

     Vincent's voice was almost silent as he replied.  "Yes Marionette...I'm here."

      Marionette pushed himself into the room only to cry out in horror. Before him laid a horrible sight. Five young children with horror on their faces lay dead. Blood pooled from holss in their necks and chests.

    A young girl laid in  a half curled position, a tear frozen on her cheek. A boy laid beside her with an eyepatch clutched in his hand. Two older boys were slumped against thw wall,  eyes open and clouded. 

     "Vincent...what have you done?" He said, voice shaking.

     The guard was in the corner, head buried in his knees and blood staining his shirt. A knife was in his hand.

       He looked up slowly and Marionette could hardly take the sight.

      "I did what I had to," he said dully. Marionette kept shaking his head in disbelief. Why had his only friend murdered innocent children? 

      "You'll be free now Marionette, the resteraunt will close and you will be at peace."

      Fury raced through him. "No!" He screeched and lunged for Vincent. He wrapped one of his strings around his friends throat and pulled until blood trickled down. Vincent only held his head up and stared at Marionette intensly.

       "Murderer!  They didn't deserve to die!" Marionette screeched blinded by grief. Suddenly, in one motion, Vincent slashed Marionette's strings with the blade, and he slumped to the ground, the frayed lines floating in someone's blood.

      Vincent stood quicklt and shuffled down the vents, stained clothes leaving smears on the metal.

     Marionette recovered and stood, using to wall to support himself.  He stared at the small bodies around him. Then he saw who's blood he fell in. A small child with black rings drawn around his wrists, and a name on the collar of his shirt. "Jake"

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