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Early in the morning, a quiet red car and neatly parked in front of an old apartment building, for quite a while there haven't been any movements inside, on the side of the road there were two-three several people running pass in the morning, the park adjacent there were grandmothers and grandfathers who had the habit of getting up early to exercise, the yellow street lamps still flash light, has not yet ended.

In an instant, the horizon, exposed gray dawn, morning clouds stained a faint purple-blue, wearing a thick down coat quietly slipped out, from the figure, it is not difficult to see that is a young woman, her arms tightly grabbed a large bag of the unknown object, hats down, as if afraid of people seeing her own shadow.

"Hoo, hoo!"

A man with a dog ran pass the woman, too focused on his dog, he didn't notice how strange this woman was. Not far from dawn the dim street lights went out.

It's time! To do it, don't hesitate!

Seem determined, the woman lowered her hat, self-assured no one there, lowered her head, there's no continuous monitoring drilled into the old apartment building.

Third floor, third floors ... ... found it.

The woman stops in front of the maroon iron door, then gently put down the object that was formerly tight in her arms, from afar looked like a couple of quilts. Looking down, the woman seems to hesitate for a moment, her hands sweeping across the quilt, and then she heard clung clung alarm sounds coming from the house, suddenly jumped up, one glance at the ground, determined, then got up and ran downstairs ... ...

"What.. is.. this?"

"So loud in the morning, what are you doing?" Last night drinking with Jisoo all night, today also met with an early morning, a moment his head still dizzy from hypertension, cannot endure Jisoo's shouting.

"Well, the door, there's ... ..."

"There's what?" Compared to the confused Jisoo, Lisa was abnormally calm, as if whatever was lying outside, a corpse or explosives don't scare her.

"Well, that ... ..." Jisoo opened a corner of the rags on the ground.

"What is this ah!—" Lisa yelled and screamed, then jumped three steps, the coffee in her hands soaked her pajamas, only half of a cup remained, her long pair of legs nailed in place, a plaster-like, motionless.

"I think this is for you."


"Otherwise, why else would the blanket be on your doorstep?" Jisoo raised an eyebrow.

"Why is this thing in front of my house?"

"This, we'll have to ask you!" Oh pity, do not know which ex-girlfriend it is since she had so many.

At this time, at the center of the rags Jisoo found an envelope.

"And there's this."

"On, what is written on it?" Lisa asked, she chicken out so Jisoo reads it on her behalf—

Dear Lisa:

First of all, congratulations on your upgrade on being a father, I trust being suddenly being a parent is no less surprised than I was. This child is yours, if you don't believe you can go do a DNA test, the evidence is not fake.

I spent ten months to adapt, I am sorry, just to give you ten seconds to accept the truth, then I'll make a long story short. I've been responsible for the nine months of pregnancy and giving birth, I do not want to complain about how much pain it is to give birth to a child, if you're still curious, you can go home and ask your mother ......

I am responsible for the birth, you are responsible for support, which is very fair it! Don't blame me for being heartless, but the social reality is that men are superior to women (a son is more favorable compared to a daughter), an unmarried mother no matter where I go it is not convenient, in comparison, an unmarried father should be a lot easier. I'm not a heartless mother, originally intended if a daughter was born, I will accept fate and raise her up, but I didn't think it would a fat boy, since it is meant to be, I had to give him to you, boys and girls half and half probability, you can't blame me.

My ten months of pregnancy, one month of confinement, the time spend on the child, no less than eleven months ...... you take care of him for the remaining year, help give him choose a name to your liking, a year later, I will come to discuss with you the child's custody, during this time, I hope you can take good care of him. Don't worry about looking for me, but if I have the opportunity to go back and see him, I know you may not be comfortable in hand, I will fix a few thousand dollars into his account......

A total of five long pages here, in addition to the previous self-introduction at the beginning of things, followed by some trivial matter of taking care of the baby, Lisa listened to, only stiff, stops breathing, pale, heart is not strong enough, unable to support himself fell to the ground.....

"He is my little child?"

Lisa look at the hands of Rosé and picked up the little meatballs, then finger-pointing at herself. She picked up the baby who wasn't even a few ounces, compared from eyes, nose and mouth to face......

"Should be."


What's the first thing she should do?

Call the company for sick leave? Calls his mother and father to tell them they have another grandson? DNA testing?

The fairly good little baby in her arms suddenly kick up his mouth, burst into tears, two people act with confusion flip him over, only to find out that, an indescribable smell came from the baby shares the following.....

"He pooped!!"

A father's first lesson

To help change the baby's diaper

My Baby Mama (Jenlisa Adaptation) G!PWhere stories live. Discover now