Chapter 8 (Part 1)

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The fact that Lisa and Jennie are cohabiting doesn't stay hidden for long, having run into colleagues several times at the markets, pushing a baby's stroller between them. Not to mention a reliable informant from human resources had pointed out that the address Lisa recently moved to was also coincidentally Jennie's home.

Lisa hadn't intentionally hidden this matter but it wasn't something she deliberately mentioned either. Since most of the staff at MNB Corp knew Jennie, Lisa could only thank everyone for their concerns and that their relationship had entered a stable period.

"I had no idea! To think Lisa was eaten up by Jennie!"

"Not to mention its buy one get one free – buy a husband and get a son thrown in!"

"Like this and she still wants him!"

"She's a strong career woman! Normal people can't comprehend what she wants."

"When you put it like that, isn't it Lisa who benefits the most?"

"Why would you say that?"

"Although Jennie is older than Lisa, she's maintained herself well. Anyway when she turns the lights off, all women are pretty much the same! But this way, Lisa's struggle is shortened by 10 years! Look, there's someone to help him raise her son, not to mention Jennie's income and position are higher than her, and there's even a house waiting for him. If it were me, I'd also throw my pride away and let Jennie raise me as a kept man!"

"But Lisa also works hard on her own, he wouldn't sink to being a kept man!"

Lisa had always been an approachable gentleman with a smiling expression who got along with everyone. Even when she leapt up to the position of general manager she had kept her good temperament. Only, after interacting with everyone for a long time, everyone can sense that she isn't as harmless and unimposing as she seems. Compared to Jennie's short fuse, its fine once her tantrum's over, Lisa is harder to fathom since no one knows what he's really thinking.

And since Lisa had worked so long in the lower levels, secretly observing changes in their affairs, she's developed a keen eye and the ability to read people. Rather than saying he never goes against others, it's more accurate to say no one dares to provoke him since her specialty is understanding people, while simultaneously keeping them in her grasp.

"What you're saying isn't wrong, but with the female Emperor's personality, wouldn't the mild mannered Lisa be completely devoured?"

"For her own and her son's sake, he'll endure!"

Since Jennie and Lisa started growing closer, Lisa had also shown noticeable changes. Not only was he promoted, her salary had followed in suit. He also had more style, no longer wearing or using cheap second hand goods. Recently, not only did he seem triumphant, her brow appeared more refined, displaying as much elegance as it can, completely different from her previous poor state. Everyone was saying Lisa had bet on the right horse and truly profited. Jennie might be fierce, but she's lavish with her husband, and extremely lavish at that!

Once these things reach her previous girlfriend, Nancy, she feels 2 million percent dissatisfied, as though they were saying Lisa wasn't at all fortunate to be with her and was only happy after being with Jennie.

Or maybe it's her female pride struggling. She refuses to believe it.

If she had encountered Lisa a little bit later, and dated her later as well, she wouldn't have been so stupid to let go of the big fish in front of her. Although being with Hanbin satisfied her material needs, the person he cares for most is himself. He was only warm and considerate while chasing her, no longer bothering once he's caught her!

If she had known earlier, she would've stayed beside the frugal and pragmatic Lisa. Even if they had to suffer more, at least it's stable.

Since Lisa's real girlfriend is far away, while she's right in front of him, she still has a chance! People say that it's hardest for men to forget their previous girlfriends, not to mention she's younger than Jennie, so there should be plenty of opportunities.

Today, Lisa's secretary took half a day off for sick leave, so she voluntarily took over the secretary's work, using all her abilities to act cute and enticing when no one else was around. Yet whether he hadn't known it was deliberate or decided to turn a blind eye, Lisa remained unmoved the whole time.

Even to the end of the day....

"Manager Lisa, are you free tonight?"

"Today I'm leaving work on time, there's something I need to do at home. What's the matter?" Lisa busily sorts the documents in her hands, asking without even lifting her head.

"Then what about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Lisa finally lifts her head to face her. "Is something wrong?"

"Yes.... I have something I need to speak to you about..." Nancy lowers her head, deliberately or unintentionally sweeping her long hair behind her ear, revealing a blueish-silver drop earing, her first gift to her.

Lisa purses her lips, not calling her out despite realizing her intentions, since she isn't a petty person.

"If you have something to say, you can say it now."

"It might not be very convenient to say it here."

"... if it's not convenient in the office then I doubt it'll be more convenient anywhere else."

The resentment that had accumulated from being ignored since noon finally erupts, unable to tolerate any more.

Nancy approaches him, loudly asking, "Lisa, do you even know what I'm trying to say?"

"I know."

"Then you're refusing me?"

"Nancy, I'm not the type who loves to hold a grudge, but I don't long for past affections either."

Her sentence was stated so clearly. Nancy couldn't imagine the normally gentle man would speak so harshly.

"Well the fact that you're with Jennie is only because she can keep you. One day if she suddenly loses everything, you won't even get the chance to dump her if you wanted to!"

"You're right." She rarely answers so seriously, sinking into a depressing mood.

"The one who's afraid of being dumped is me."

"Well of course. If she can't look after you anymore you couldn't be as lavish as you are now."

"Nancy, I'll just continue along by myself, and won't look for anyone else. Only being with Jennie do I know what I want to do, and what I should be doing. She has everything I lack, and it's not something I can find in any woman. You're right, I can't be without her. I can't lose her, not because of materialistic reasons, but spiritually."

"Rubbish! You're just a poor, penniless brat, who do you think you are? You think I can't find another man if I wanted to?" Unmoved even after she invited Lisa so blatantly, forget it! It's not like she, Nancy, lacks men. Lisa should be delighted she even gave him a chance.

She packs her things, turning to leave the office, when she adds "The way I see it, deep down you actually like men, that's why you're so infatuated Jennie, that type of masculine woman!"

Lisa bitterly smiles. To think that's how everyone saw him and Jennie!

Lisa knows that public opinion regarding her relationship with Jennie can be harsh. That's why she had wanted to keep it under wraps. If she can marry her earlier, this type of idle gossip would lessen! Mnn... she also wants Jennie to marry into her family earlier, but she should first train her skin to be a little thicker.

If she knew Lisa was the family's young master and Marco Manoban's only daughter, would she break her legs, or throw her corpse into a ditch?

Very likely, she will.

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