Chapter 3: (Part 1) Meeting Lil Leo

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"Can you drive?"

She asks, as Lisa carries her son back from the nanny's.

"Er—-" she struggles to answer.

"You can't?" Jennie raises her brow. Fair enough, as a man who's just entered society, who can't even afford to replace her second hand motor cycle, she really shouldn't be expected to know how to drive.

"Mnn, it's better if you drive."

It's not that Lisa doesn't know, but she grew up in England so she's used to driving on the left. Since she came back, she's mostly been driven around by relatives or used public transport. And when she started living alone, she's been using her second hand motor cycle. Which is to say, she hasn't had many chances to drive. For the sake of their lives, she wouldn't risk acting brazenly.

Jennie keeps her eyes on the road, occasionally glancing at the infant in her arms. Noticing her gaze, Lisa asks "What's wrong?"

"The way you hold him doesn't look very comfortable, seems awkward." She turns her head back to the front.

"Well of course!" Her forehead wrinkles as he speaks. "I've never held such a soft and delicate thing before, and he only arrived a few days ago."

Putting on a calm façade, she mentions "This is why I asked if you could drive. I was thinking ... I could help you carry him for a while."

Lisa stares in shock, "I thought you wouldn't like children."

"What? Why would you think that?"

"Career women generally don't like kids right?"

"Who told you that? I... hmnnn alright! Maybe I might not like them, but I don't know. That's why I wanted to hold him and see!"

When she says it like that it makes sense. "Then when we return, you can hold him and see."

It's actually pretty late, yet Lisa bringing her back to her place. Thinking it over, she starts to regret it. It's not like she'd do something to Jennie, but what if she does something to her... Hey hey, enough! Her imagination is too excessive. It's probably not like that, she just wants to hold her son for a bit.

Sure enough, once she leaves the car, Jennie grabs ... no, firmly and carefully takes the child from her arms, placing him into her own, leaving Lisa slightly stunned. So not all strong career women hate children. Although her skills aren't very developed, but watching her holding the child with the utmost care, it's really different from how she, a grown woman, had carried him. So even a fierce female Emperor, in front of this soft and tiny little thing, could soften and be wrapped around her finger?

Truly the soft defeats the strong.

Contemplating over Jennie's two sides, Lisa subconsciously leads her back to the third floor, to her own doorstep. Seeing that she hadn't wanted to return the child, it looks as though she wants to carry him inside herself....

"It's already late, for you ... wouldn't there be a problem?" Not only is she her superior, she's also older than Lisa by a few years, it's better to draw a line.

"Why would there be a problem?" Jennie shoots her gaze at Lisa.

"Er, no no, definitely no problem."

Gently opening the door, Lisa can only close it after her.

"Do you want something to drink?" As the host, she should at least show common courtesy. "Is coffee alright?"

Originally beaming as she teases the little baby, she suddenly turns her head, harshly eyeing Lisa.

"Are you stupid? Who drinks coffee in the middle of the night? Anything's fine!"

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