Chapter 9

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 Lisa knits her brow. Normally when she comes home, where would they be so 'high handed'? She had originally been worried about exposing her background, and wanted to give Jennie some time to digest. Yet now with the addition of this exaggerated line up... Oh oh, she watches as Jennie's face turns green.

"Ahaha!" A familiar laughter erupts from inside, when they see the chairman walk out, grinning widely with a pipe hanging from her mouth. "I knew you wouldn't come through the main door. Recently the doormen started adding this service. Your uncle really enjoyed it so I wanted you guys to try it as well. What do you thing? Manager Kim, don't you find it sophisticated?"

"What Manager Kim? She's now my future wife, and your future daughter-in-law."

"You should work harder, you've been in the company 2-3 years already yet you're still wasting time in the branch company, and your rank is lower than your wife's. I say Jennie! Lisa and Little Leo must have troubled you a lot during this time!" Using one hand to take him from Jennie, Marco teases her clever grandson. "Good Little Leo, aiyo! You've gotten heavier. Let your grandfather kiss you."

And Leo in his arms, pulls at her grandfather's ear one moment, and pulls at her nose in the next, not at all acting shy, and even giggling happily.

"Ye... Ye...."

Grandfather and grandson seemed really close, he seems to come home a lot!

Who said they weren't similar? From head to toe, Lisa extremely resemble the chairman, even their love for mischief and hiding daggers within their smiles!

Hateful! Thinking how her Little Leo inherited the same blood as that father and son pair, and might even make fun of her the same way in the future, her whole body starts to rage.

"Darling..." Lisa knows the volcano beside her is about to erupt, so she pitifully pulls at her sleeve, hoping to extinguish some of her flames.

"Don't pull at me."

Although Jennie had coldly rejected her, she still considered her pride and hadn't simply stormed out. Though her face is somewhat stiff, she was never easy to handle. She immediately recovers her social skills, politely greeting father Manoban and mother Manoban.

At the table, mother Manoban is filled with curiosity towards Jennie, asking her how she met her son, whether work is hard, what she normally likes to eat.....

"Since you wander by her place a lot, you wouldn't know, but back then when Lisa said she wanted to move out by himself, she almost scared me to death! We've always given her what she wants, who knows what was going through her mind when he suddenly decided to live in such a pitiful way!"

Right, rather than living the life of a standard rich person, why would he act poor and fool everyone? As mother speaks, she turns to glare at Lisa beside her, sending her waves of killing intent.

"At first I was against it, but her father was enthusiastic. She said, from young, Lisa never knew what suffering was. And not only human suffering, letting her develop some life skills would also be good."

Also true, for a pampered and sheltered young master like her to learn about the struggles of ordinary people, this way he'll be more sympathetic towards the staff.... Rarely taking up opposing thoughts, looks like Lisa isn't so incorrigible after all.

"Back then he had done some research, insisting that everything needs to be second hand, like her sofa, kitchen utensils, household items, all of them were either given by people or through price comparisons online to find the cheapest things. I went to see that apartment of her, it's really too miserable." No wonder she always felt something was off when she used the things at her place. Nothing matched, yet he wasn't someone who completely lacked an artistic sense. Rather, if she wanted things to be proper, everything would be exquisite, yet the items she uses in her daily life were so chaotic. So Lisa had actually assembled it from all corners like this, and didn't have room to choose.

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