Chapter 8 (Part 2)

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After dinner, Lisa accompanies her son in mock brain training games in the living room, when Jennie carries a laptop out, in the midst of tackling their family plan.

"Before the next personnel change, if we combine our salaries and sell this place we would be able to afford the down payment for a larger apartment."

"Why do we need to buy a new apartment?"

"Are you stupid? I bought this apartment so I could live there alone. It's small and only has one bedroom. Once Little Leo grows up, he needs her own room. And if we have more kids, there definitely won't be enough space! If you don't think of a solution now, do you plan on having all our kids live in our room?"

Holding her son, Lisa actually wants to tell her she doesn't need to worry so much, but listening to her list her plan step by step, she can't help but find it meticulous and moving.

"We're a dual income family, and our salaries aren't low. With the company's salary and year-end bonus, if we save more and allocate a portion to our child's education fund, saving a million each year, after 10 years we can own our own home in Seoul."

"Darling, how many kids do you want?"

"We already have Little Leo as a son. While it's better for sons to be the older child, I actually really want to have a daughter. Why don't we have two more daughters then?"

Lisa had wanted to praise her, when Jennie continues to develop her thoughts.

"Forget it, we shouldn't have two! While having three kids is just right, the burden is too much. Even though the government will subsidize the third child, I don't want you to work too hard later, having to pay for their tuition, education, and if they want to study abroad in the future—- heavens! Ah, it's enough just to have one daughter next."

Listening, Lisa pulls her into her embrace as she remains immersed in her thoughts. Leaning against her shoulder, she asks "If you didn't need to worry about money, how many kids would you want?"

"Four. Two boys and two girls, that way they'd each be a set."

Wrapping around her thin waist, he places her warm hand against her abdomen "Having four kids, it'll be hard on you!"

"True, bring pregnant is really tiring! Carrying around such a huge stomach, you can't even cut your toenails. Normally 4-5 flights of stairs are nothing, but pregnant, even 2 flights is too much... ah, but it's even harder to care for a child. Even if it's a joy to have kids, it's better to forget it! Four is too many. If we halve it and have one son and one daughter, it's enough."

"Darling, was it painful to give birth?"

"Of course! It's not because I love to complain! I couldn't even feel it when the doctor tore my perineum, it's really too...."

Hmnn? Something's not right! Jennie immediately stops, stiffly turning her whole body to glance at Lisa. She... did she just ... let slip something?

She had thought Lisa's face would stiffen, and that he'd fall into a rage. She hadn't thought he'd still have a light smile on her face, looking at her warmly, even stealing a kiss when she turned her head towards him.

"Since it's that painful, then it's fine if we don't have anymore, okay?"

Did Lisa realize? Then why isn't she angry? Jennie develops a guilty conscious, her palms turning sweaty.

In fact, since they've already progressed to this point she should just tell him the truth. But will Lisa think she's deliberately using their child to tie her to her?

At first she had felt sympathetic seeing a grown man like Lisa clumsily rushing about, trying to care for the baby, and wanted to help him take care of the infant, taking up her responsibility as a mother. At that time, she really hadn't thought she'd reach this stage with Lisa!

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