Chapter 4: (Part 2) The Gift

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Body is so cold, Head hurts so much!

Jennie opens her eyes to find herself in the bathroom, half her body emerged in the half-filled bathtub, soaked to her lower abdomen. She curses, "This is definitely their doing!"

Climbing out of the bathtub, she grabs a towel to dry her hair. Luckily it's still summer right now. If they had tried to play this type of weather in winter, she'd definitely have a shaman exorcise them completely — of course it comes at a price. She'll lose her voice and be unable to speak for 3 days.

Ah, at a time like this it'd be great if Lisa were here.

That brat is clearly an ordinary person, so why does her physique seem to be blessed by Buddha himself? As long as she's around, all her irritating maladies all seem to disappear without any provocation. So it definitely isn't her fault that when the company was allocating assistants, of the 18 assistants, she immediately chose him.

Even she hadn't realized at the start, and just thought he made really good coffee. Drinking even a small cup, her whole body sighs in relief, and her mind is refreshed, with the entire day's concerns washed away. Even the impression and voices of irritating people seemed to ease, letting her experience the indolent lifestyle of the average person.

She had noticed two fuzzy following Nancy's shoulders, yet every time Lisa approaches, they disappeared without a trace. Could it be Nancy was only attracted to him because of this? She can understand that desolate feeling after they had broken up. But Nancy couldn't see it, otherwise she wouldn't have broken up with Lisa so easily.

With such a strong talisman beside her, it's really more effective than anything!

Only, Lisa's divine protection is really too addictive! Not to mention the addiction only grows stronger. Only through enjoying her coffee, and occasionally 'bumping' into her, pulling her, and leaning against her shoulders, will her mood remain great for the day. While it's not to the point of incessantly smiling, the number of times her temperature flares lessened. Since Lisa's power doesn't diminish, she only needs to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, another cup in the afternoon and her head won't scream in pain. But the problem is, what about at night?

The weekends? Holidays?

At night she can have him stay back for overtime; weekends, she can use buying things for her son as an excuse; holidays... she can only grit her teeth and endure!

Sticking close to Lisa, she realizes her own temper isn't very good. Not to mention her patience isn't near enough. Compared to her, she's clearly a gentleman! Given a choice, she also doesn't want to throw tantrums, but at least raging is the fastest way to get results. As long as everyone follows her directions, they'll definitely be able to achieve twice the results with half the effort.

She was anxious as a child, always wanting to raise productivity to the highest. Anyone who couldn't keep up would end up suffering. While there'll obviously be objections, Lisa uses comprehensive methods to subdue her. They're clearly raising the same issue, but if someone else told her she was too impatient, she'll end up blowing up, unable to hear another word. Once it changes to Lisa, she'll nod her head, softening up to tolerate it.... Is it that it's a different approach, or a different person?

This situation feels somewhat tragic; could it be she can't without Lisa? In terms of superior and subordinate relations, it's more than a little troublesome. But as a normal relationship, being like this is not so bad...

No, she's not the type to mix work and personal affairs!

Vexed, Jennie removes her soaked pajamas, changing into a clean set of clothes. Three days off in a row and yesterday was only the first day without seeing Lisa. Not drinking the coffee he brewed, not only does her head hurt, her whole body feels unsettled. Her temper is also bad, no, it's already reached boiling point.

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