Chapter 7 (Part 3) In Laws!

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Walking to the bathroom, 15 minutes later she finishes straightening herself. The infant in the cot had also woken, staring at her as he grips the bars. Seeing her walk out of the bathroom, he waves her hands around for her to pick him up. After playing with him, Jennie heats some milk before picking him up from her cot and feeding him.

At this time, Lisa was woken by the sound. Her head against the bed, with her hair as messy as a bird's nest, a while passes before he speaks. "Jennie Kim, why don't you come home with me?"

"Are you stupid? Aren't I in your home now?"

"What I mean is, my family home."

Jennie finally realizes her meaning. Based on her thoughts, since he's already proposed, they still need to meet each other's families at least once!

"Weren't you chased out by your dad?" She hadn't asked about the details, but because of Little Leo, she knows there was a time when the relationship between father and son deteriorated.

Lisa scratches her head. "I can return any time if I wanted to."

"He's not angry anymore?"

"What's there to be angry about?" Lisa yawns. "I had my son on my own, raised and cared for him by myself. I didn't trouble him the least, and even gave him a grandson to hold. He should be secretly delighted."

After going out to live on her own, although Lisa wasn't used to it at first, but after a while, she's pleased to say that aside from a few inconveniences with her finances and life, she's learned how to live freely without depending on anyone. Back home, although there's cars and chauffeurs, and when she needs it, there's even a private helicopter; anywhere she goes, there'll be some one to assist him. Only, her actions were always under someone's control. No wonder, in the past her father would always know where she was.

"Does your father know about me?"

"He knows."

"...does he mind my relationship with Little Leo?"

"Silly Jennie, you really fret too much!" Lisa's face splits into a grin. "How about this! We'll go to your place first. I don't think my father will have any objections to our marriage. Rather, it's your family that might have a huge reaction...."

"Why?" Not knowing why Lisa would think like this, Jennie questions him.

"First, I'm younger than you, not to mention I have a child. Normally, a parent wouldn't want their daughter to marry this kind of man."

She falls silent, before trying to comfort him. "Not at all, you're thinking too much."

"Do you not get along with your family?"

Jennie shrugs, "It's alright, though I can't say it's great, just a little weak. Despite how I might seem, I actually grew up in a really ordinary household. I'm the oldest, followed by two younger sisters. One 6 years younger, the other 8 years younger. Since our ages are pretty far, I helped take care of them. Although I helped change their diapers and fed them milk, since our ages are too far, we don't have much to say."

"What about your parents?" Lisa curiously asks.

"My father is a soldier and really thrifty, while our mother cares for us a lot, though even when I was young I wasn't very obedient, and thought I could solve my own problems myself. If she tried to intervene, I'd even throw a tantrum.... Since I was too independent, I didn't really rely on my family, while they thought a family should be more united and stick together.... These last few years, they've partially given up on me. Since I already have a house and a job, it's fine even if I don't marry. Only, suddenly telling them I'm getting married, they'll probably be shocked. Originally, they thought I'd spend my life alone."

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