Chapter 7: Part 1-Future Plans

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"I'm back." She isn't sure when it happened, but she's already gotten into the habit of reporting to Lisa's home right after getting off work. Most times, Lisa will leave work before her. Having learnt a few simple dishes, Lisa has been diligently studying up on how to be a house husband. If there's time, he'll prepare 2-3 dishes for dinner.

Regarding this part of him, even Jennie can't find anything critical to say. Although she's not hopeless with housework, she only knows basic cooking and cleaning. At the start, she had thought Lisa would always rely on her—– regardless of whether it's work or private matters. But unexpectedly, he's performing well at work, brilliantly settling problems. While at home, although he's not excelling, he's transformed from someone with no life skills to being more or less on par with her.

"You're back!" Wearing an apron, Lisa runs out of the kitchen carrying a huge pot of curry. "Today we're also having curry. I want to defend my honour and master this dish!"

Yesterday they also had curry. While she doesn't particularly like curry, if someone's cooking for her, she won't nit-pick. Sometimes when she's busy, the breakfast and lunch she prepares for Lisa isn't particularly diverse or appetizing either, but he still finishes it without complaint. If they want nice food, since neither of them can make it, they'll just eat out at a restaurant.

Dinner time, she eyes Lisa. The more she looks, the more he resembles the chairman Marco Manoban. Not so much while smiling, since the corner of Lisa's lips have more charm, no – scheme, while one look at the president and you can tell that he's a shrewd and devious old fox, as though her eyes can see right through you.

Only, their facial features are really similar! Before, at the conference, she hadn't noticed due to the pressure, and the fact that she was too far from the boss. Only today, having spent half an hour chatting with him face to face, did she realize that sense of familiarity was from Lisa!

Not to mention, mysteriously both their last names were ....

No, impossible, a lot of people have the surname. Lisa wouldn't so lucky, to coincidentally be the chairman's Daughter.

Also, if Lisa is really the family's young master why would he have nothing better to do than to act poor? Her furniture is filled with second hand goods; why wouldn't she change it? All the chopsticks, forks and utensils were also all cheap things bought from dollar stores. Not to mention the pacifier in Little Leo's mouth was bought for $39 at a flea market.....

"Why are you so unsettled? Are you stunned by how handsome I am?" As Lisa feeds her son baby food, he had noticed the change in Jennie's eyes, and casually asked.

"Do you know Chairman Marco Manoban?"

" the chairman?" The gears in her head turn. "Of course I know him!"

"You really know him?"

"He's our big boss and the meal ticket who pays our wages! How could I not know? It's not like I have a loose screw in my head!"

True, her next retort will probably be, even if she knows the big boss, it's not like chairman would know Lisa!

Really, what is she thinking? To think she'd randomly associate these two people! Jennie shakes her head, trying to stop these ridiculous thoughts. Placing her bowl and chopsticks down, she takes the plastic bowl from her hands.

"You eat first, I'll feed Little Leo!"

Lisa scoops a few mouthfuls of food, when she recalls something, grabbing the paper bag beside him, looking at her with a sly grin "Guess what I bought today?"

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