Chapter 2 (Part 2)- The Proposal

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    At night, almost all the lights are out as Lisa bids the last of her colleagues a good night. Listening to the *ding* of the elevator, he knows he's the only one left to work overtime.

  Finishing up the monthly reports, taking a moment to bite her sandwich and stretch her waist, she takes out the research material from her desk containing the day care plan the Miss Jennie had given her.

Skimming through, she realizes just how bold the program is. Although it requires each member to contribute a few thousand every month, combined with the allowance from the company, it shouldn't be a problem. The fact that the program will support children from 0 to 5 will be the real challenge.

From management's perspective, it's best if a company is purely a place of business. Of course MNB Corporation operations aren't small, but the Seoul office is only one of its departments. While they naturally provide all the facilities and comforts required, an infant room would impact on workers' productivity. It wouldn't be appropriate to let toddlers who've just learnt how to walk stay in this sort of environment, while a child care room isn't a kindergarten and the two shouldn't be confused.

The mobile on her desk starts to ring. Looking at the number, she picks it up—

"Yo! How are you?"

"Still kicking." She smiles bitterly.

"Back to our conversation, have you found the infant's mothers yet?" Rosé asked.

"Not yet." Lisa sighs.

"You really don't have any impression?"

Impression? Eh, she was at the peak of her youth, spring pretty much came every night. How could she remember whose bed she crawled into 11 months ago? That time, coincidentally, was also the end of year celebrations with colleagues. In a week, 2-3 days she'd be forced to eat out, and was so drunk her colleagues carried her home each time. How could she remember?

"I haven't had the time to reflect on it. How's my old man?"

"... You've almost caused him a brain aneurysm from all the anger."

Lisa falls silent for a moment. "After I've settled everything properly, I'll go back and see him."

Rosé sighs, "Actually he's only throwing a tantrum; normal people would also react like this! You've currently set out alone with only yourself to depend on, and for no apparent reason you've even added a child. Aunt wants to know if you need any help. If you can't continue on, just come back." He had also heard her younger cousin was just ditched by Nancy – really too pitiful!

Although the two of them didn't date for long, nor did they pledge vows of eternal love, but to be dumped at such a critical moment, he couldn't even imagine how desolate her cousin's heart would be.

"It's alright. The Miss Jennie's helped me a lot."

"The Miss Jennie? That female Emperor?"

Jennie, while her subordinates refer to her as the female demoness, her peers, clients and superiors occasionally call her the female Emperor.

She's 31 this year, having entered MNB Corporation's sales division as a fresh university graduate. From there she's continuously climbed up, making a name for herself with her fierce style. At 26 she managed her unit. At 28, she assisted the Miss Jennie in arranging the affairs of the office. At 29, she became the deputy Miss Jennie, and last year she spent a year abroad to undertake further studies. When she returned, she rose to become the company's youngest female Miss Jennie.

it's often said, with her abilities she'll be able claim a senior position in central management before 40.

He's never seen such an ambitious woman, no, more accurately, even men might not be able to match her drive. Her interests outside of work would still be work. To prepare for all eventualities is common sense. Her motto is 'to think of what others can't, to do what others haven't done, can't do, or won't do'. Under her leadership, the company's staff is faster, better and more thorough than anyone else! Even those who were older and more conservative, watching the strong willed Jennie, wouldn't dare find problems with her to her face.

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