Chapter 1: Who's Child is it?!

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In this world there's a mysterious force called 'power'.

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Early one morning, no, it's no longer considered early, but to those with no set lifestyle, 10am is still quite early.

Hanbin storms out of the general manager's office, seething before he even returns to her seat.

"Someone's been raged at by the female demoness!" The office's mischievous imp, Nancy quips, sending a playful wink.

"These days her temper has been really bad."

Ignoring the ignorant chatter of her colleagues, Hanbin angrily returns to her seat in a huff. "I only entered the conference room 2 minutes late! Doesn't she know there's a line for the elevator at 8am? And to think their discussion took half an hour. She was probably just prattling on with the clients... Right! She's the best at wasting time, I figure her job is just to piss us off!"

"Calm down, calm down, next time just arrive on time!"

"I have to commute every day! Since I live in the Tian Mu region, travel takes at least an hour, but she doesn't know how to sympathize with the working man ..."

"You live in the Tian Mu region?" Nancy's eyes widen. "The residences these aren't cheap!"

"It's alright!" Hanbin waves her hand. "We've lived there for ages. My father had earnt quite a bit selling off the farm and used the money to buy an investment property. My mother lives there. Actually my parents mostly live in Yi Lan, since the scenic view makes it a good place to retire. Honestly, we also have quite a few properties in the south, but since we don't live there, we usually rent it out..."

"Wow, then aren't you a second generation who can just sit and wait for the money to roll in?"

"Pretty much" Hanbin sighs, waving her hand. "I thought so too, but my father insists that since I'm still young, I need a legitimate job. But this so called legitimate job, isn't it just getting told off? Humph, that demoness, her monthly wage can't even compare to a fraction of our family's earnings. If she pisses me off again, I'll use the money to bludgeon her to death!"

The mouths of several colleagues' twitch as they pretend to work unperturbed. This year, this kind rookie seems more and more common...

"Heh" Nancy tilts her head and laughs. "It'll be quite a sight when that happens."

Hanbin moves the wheels on her chair, sliding to her side. "Eh, your girlfriend isn't coming again today?"

"Yeah" She shrugs her shoulders, smiling helplessly. "She said the situation is becoming more tangled and that it's a crucial time for him."

"What crucial matter is it?"

"Even I don't know, she said he'll tell me about it later."

A devilish grin appears as Hanbin uses this opportunity to sow discord, "She must be keeping a woman on the side, but too scared to let you know."

"Impossible!" Nancy pushes him away, "Lisa wouldn't dare!"

"Yeah, she doesn't have the courage!" A middle-aged man beside them adds, "That brat can't even flirt with women. Last time a hostess sat on her lap and she was so scared she pushed her to the floor."

Recalling Lisa's panicked look, the entire office bursts into laughter.

Nancy pouts, voicing out her discontent "How could you guys take Lisa to that sort of place?"

"Ah, someone's jealous! It's nothing, it was a while ago, when Lisa first entered and we took him drinking. A long time ago, so Nancy, don't be mad!"

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