Chapter 4: (Part 1) Flattery

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Late night, three woman storks fly into the Stork Chat Rooms.

"Sisters, you've done well!" Irene Bae kicks off the squawking.

"Like this, can it be considered well?" Solar asks, filled with concern.

"Of course! Since ancient times, it's always been mothers bearing the hardships of raising a child! Both sides equally indulge for a night, yet the pain of bearing a child... you could die! Haven't you also experienced it? Successfully give birth and it's the sweetest thing in life, but if you fail, you'll end up 6 feet under. Right now, we're only teaching those men a lesson, so that in the future, they'll properly reign in their 'little brothers'!

"... this proverb, where did you hear it from?" It even rhymes! Jennie takes the opportunity to jot down some notes.

"My mother told me!"

"So... so old fashioned!"

"Wouldn't have thought a sophisticated, modern woman would know such a folksy proverb."

Irene feels the enthusiasm rising within her, quickly steering them back to the topic, "Truly! We need to teach those men a lesson so they'll know we women shouldn't be trifled with!"

Right right! They can clearly see Irene's point! Even female compatriots fighting in the same trenches as her can feel her strength and aggression, not to mention those men she points at and scorns.

"If you're so indignant, why did you give birth at the time?"

"I... I'm scared of ghosts!"

"Scared of ghosts?"

"Right! I just don't want to be woken up every morning by 'it', so I resolved myself to give birth!

Think about it, if you had clairvoyant eyes, when you open your eyes every morning, the first thing you'll see is that child you refused to give birth to, with no arms or legs lying next to you. It's strange if you aren't scared!"

"You have clairvoyant eyes?"

"It's only scary when you do! The most exaggerated I've seen was a man who attracted eight in one breath!

Eight! Just looking at him walking around our building floor, my whole body starts to feel uncomfortable! From start to finish, I've never shown him a pleasant expression."

Is she for real? But normally she isn't a nonsensical type of person...

"That... why would they stick to a man?" The pitiful ones are usually the birth mothers.

"It's not definite! Fate determines who they follow."

"But... eight! That man's girlfriend must be really pitiful!"

"... I never said the birth mothers for those eight were the same!"

Now they're turning into a gossip magazine? How bizarre!

"How would you even know this sort of thing?"

"They told me!"


"... those eight infants."

Alright! Developing a sense of dread, they decided to believe her.

"You guys have no idea! Everyday I'm tormented by them until I can't eat or sleep well. They're always buzzing around by my ears. Once they come close, my head starts ringing. Normally it's alright, but if I encounter one with a malicious heart, ah, then that's truly torturous! On a hot July day, they wake me in the middle of the night, or I'm often followed by ghosts. Tell me, like this, how can I still remain pleasant?"

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