Chapter 5: (Part 1)Too hot to handle

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Covered in a wide span of maroon bedsheets, the bed is really too much to resist. She wants to be the first person to lie on it, lean her head back and roll around.

"Mnn..." Jennie wriggles, feeling the vibrations from the lower layers. "Such a comfortable feeling...." She should also switch to a new mattress!


"Don't you think it's comfortable?" She knows Lisa had followed her lead in lying on the bed.

"As long as it's something you've given; I'll always find it comfortable."

Jennie wrinkles her brow, finding him a little disgusting. Turning towards the handsome face near hers, "You talk too much. This lady has given you a gift, you should thank her for her grace."

Lisa smiles. Getting up, she picks her son up from the infant cot, placing him on the bed between them. Before Jennie realizes the situation, Lisa pushes her son towards her.

"Kiss your godmother. Quick, thank her."

Little Leo fittingly pecks her cheek for an instant.

Stunned, she hadn't expected he'd push her son in front of her.

"You're welcome." The little thing is just too cute, she couldn't resist returning a kiss.

"Now it's my turn." Pushing her son to the side, Lisa leans forward, lightly brushing against her lips, lowering her voice into a husky whisper, "This is the adult version."

Jennie suddenly feels her whole body relax —- No, her whole body being stretched out and refreshed, with divine energy flooding inside—– No, it's all the blood in her body rushing to her face. In short, her body floods with relief and clarity, feeling both reinvigorated and red faced, with her heart thumping wildly. Currently, even she can't describe her reaction.

Just like that night....

Alarmed, she wants to leap out, when her body presses down on hers.

Selfishly pressing down, Lisa feels fiery hot as she leans her whole body against her but doesn't do a thing. Using both her hands to grip her arms, a proud smile hangs on the corner of her mouth, as he continues, "You haven't returned my kiss."

Why would I kiss you? She clearly thinks this in her heart but can't seem to put it into words under her powerful stare, unrelentingly catching her gaze. From the look in her eyes, she can tell Lisa won't let go until she kisses him.

Eyeing her lips, she leans forward with her eyes closed, hastily kissing Lisa for a moment in return.

This should be fine! Lisa can let her off now! Only, her body is still pressed firmly against hers, not making a single move.

She's too scared to open her eyes, since she knows how searing her gaze is, since her voice is also—

He lightly sighs, with the air brushing against her cheek, making her heart unbearable.

"Jennie ah, Jennie...." Only hearing her deep voice. "Do you really think this is enough?"

What? What else does Lisa want?

Her female instinct can feel it blatantly displayed through her voice, her actions, her temperature, her desire —- it clearly wasn't there a moment ago, how detestable! Biting her lip, she entices Lisa even more.

"Jen jen...."

Is Lisa calling her? How long has it been since someone called her like this? Jennie opens her eyes in shock, lips slightly parted. Conveniently holding her beneath, Lisa seizes her sweet lips.

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