Chapter 3: (Part 2) Celebrate!

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Before the ceremony starts, two elites enter the company's conference room. Immediately, one of them pulls at Lisa, asking "Assistant, I heard you've recently added a son?"

Her mouth quirks into an embarrassed smile, "Yes, looks like everyone's heard about it!"

"When was he born? Why didn't you give out red eggs to celebrate?"

He tries to maintain her smile, "I'm currently a little preoccupied, but when I have time I'll make it up to everyone."

"Oh that's right! The little guy appeared so suddenly, if it were me, I'd also have a headache. That being said, who's the child's mother? Do you really not recall?"

Lisa smiles without saying a word, but rather, its Jennie sitting at the front who turns back, directly appearing before them, staring down at the two meddlesome men.

"Taeyoung, the ads submitted by your marketing unit last quarter don't seem to be performing well! At the time, who was it that claimed by advertising on TV, we would increase our exposure, and consequently our productivity? At today's meeting, the CEO is pretty much riling to gut you, yet you still have time to laugh at my assistant's expense!"

Once the words are said, her face turns a shade of green. Did she have to phrase it so blatantly? People say the female Empress, Jennie, shouldn't be trifled with, how true! But even her assistant can't be touched? Humph! Really a control freak of a woman.

"Miss Kim, your assistant made such a huge blunder, did you truly not know about it beforehand?"

"I'm not the Immortal Luo and can't foresee everything. If I could, I'd definitely warn you the day when your wife starts searching motels and finds you with your mistress, and tell you not to use business trips as an excuse."

This move is even more ruthless! Shedding light on her open secret!

"You... don't you have anything better to do than to bring up my personal life?"

"If you don't mention it, I won't mention it, its best if no one brings any of it up."

Consequently, the colleagues that had originally been laughing at Lisa, not wanting to be thoroughly picked at by the female demoness, quietly unstick their nose from the situation and retreat back to their seats.

Jennie nods with satisfaction before heading back to her own seat.

Watching her closely guarding him, Lisa emits a bitter laugh. Actually, he's never taken these type of snide remarks to heart. Just let them say what they want to say. In fact, the fiercer they are, the easier it is to distinguish between friend and foe.

"Don't be afraid, I'll protect you." Lowering her body, she whispers next to him.

This time, he really couldn't laugh. "Hey hey, I should be the one to say that line!"

Her back facing him, Jennie merely shrugs, not particularly minding. Looks like Jennie really only sees Lisa as a younger sibling, how tragic.

Then again... whatever, her crisis is starting to turn around!

5 minutes later, the big boss President Marco, along with the Vice President Rosé and their four assistants and secretaries walk into the conference room. The meeting starts.

Jennie is a small branch manager. Within the branch, anything she says goes, but compared to all the other branch managers, no one would place themselves first, since the big boss and shareholders are even larger!

The first time an assistant attends a shareholder's meeting, they'll always be too scared to be of any use. To complete a full report for her to use as a reference is already very admirable. Honestly, Jennie doesn't expect Lisa to make any helpful contributions, as long as he doesn't drag her down when it's her turn to present.

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