Chapter 7: Part 2 (18+)

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 Lisa easily pulls her into her arms. Jennie naturally knows the intent in her eyes, and obediently accepts her lips, wrapping both her hands around her shoulders, enjoying her passionate kisses.

Her kisses are strong and deep, both careful and forceful, her hands gradually becoming restless. At first they were only lightly brushing against her waist, before continuing to lift her skirt, wrapping her long legs around her waist, stroking the seams lightly first then roughly. While her other hand leaves her waist and wanders up, appearing to caress her unceasingly.

"Little Leo's watching us from the side!" Jennie exclaims.

"I want you, tonight."

This whole time, she's only verbally eaten her tofu, occasionally getting handsy. Once she uses her son as an excuse she knows it's time to stop, never forcefully taking her. Yet today, Lisa seems uncharacteristically unyielding. Glancing at the bank seal on the table from the corner of her eyes, her mind brightens, an idea suddenly flashing through her head—–

"Giving me that bank book and seal, was your intention to propose?"

Lisa's voice seems somewhat dry, "I know with my current abilities I don't have the means to buy you a diamond ring—- Maybe if I liquidated all my assets I could buy you a third rate gem, but I know that to me, your existence is more valuable than any diamond."

This brat! Her honeyed words can really charm someone to death! Even someone as fierce as her can't help but lose their guard, he really has the potential to be a gigolo.


"If you want, I can give you everything. Even though this tiny book can't be considered much, but in the future, I'll give you everything in my life without reservation, you can dictate how to use everything of mine, alright?"

Right, having arranged it for so long, she's definitely proposing marriage to her.

It's not meticulously planned or filled with flowery words. But even she knows he didn't have those intentions. The words Lisa said today, it's not something anyone can easily say.

She believes him, all because of those sincere eyes. While Lisa normally has that silly grin, right now she can't see a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Aright." Only after she replies, does Jennie notice the tears welling in her eyes from her speech.

"Then...." Her voice turns low, as he leans towards her, whispering in her ears, "You can shower first and wait for me in bed, I'll put Little Leo to sleep and find you right after."

Jennie turns red, looking at her handsome face. In the past she hadn't found Lisa particularly attractive and had always regarded him as a maknae. How come recently, the more she looks the more she finds her masculine air rich and soothing.

She gently pecks her face, showing a bashful expression that only Lisa has seen. "Then you should hurry!"

Ah! Is she trying to encourage Lisa or stop her? That soft and delicate appearance of hers makes all the cells in her body pound. But Lisa can only let go for now, letting her run back into the bedroom before turning her head back to stare at her son on the infant chair, endeavoring to reason with him.

"Hey brat, after being fully fed its time for you to sleep!"

But why would little Leo appreciate her efforts? He grins, exposing her two teeth, as if telling her old man, he's still full of energy.

"You..." Lisa sternly warns him, "It wasn't easy for me to have your mother within my grasp. If you still can't distinguish between good and bad and let her escape, then don't blame me for not warning you."

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