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"Wah wah wah...."

The sharp cry of an infant resounds through the delivery room. Lisa supports Jennie with one arm, her whole body trembling uncontrollably.

Last time she had missed out on Little Leo's birth, but from now on, she won't miss out on the witnessing any of the results of her and Jennie's love.

"Born! Jennie, thank you, you've really worked hard!"

To think giving birth would be so grueling, Lisa is still trembling even now. Don't be scared, he's now the father of two!

She should be really proud!

Having recovered some energy after collapsing, Jennie exerts herself to raise her upper body, as the nurse helps pass her the little infant that had just been washed clean, letting her hold her own child.

"Congratulations Mrs Manoban, it's a boy."

What, it's a boy? Holding the child, the corner of her mouth twitches slightly.

The scrupulous Lisa notices, promptly appeasing her wife. "It's alright, two boys and two girls right? There's still more chances, next time we'll work hard to have a daughter!"

Another two years—–

"Wah wah wah....."

Lisa uses the same arm to hold Jennie.

Only this time her movement is a little stiffer.

The nurse nimbly wraps the baby in a neat bundle, carefully handing it to Jennie.

"Congratulations Mrs. Manoban , this time it's a boy."

What? It's a boy again?

Jennie's face darkens, glaring at Lisa filled with murderous intent, asking him to explain himself.

"Both the palm and the back of your hand is flesh!" He immediately adds "Next time I'll have my X chromosomes swim a little faster, alright?"

"They better." She glares viciously at him, before lightly patting the little infant in her arms. "Otherwise you're dead."

A little over a year—–

Inside the delivery room—–


Lisa supports Jennie with one arm like before.

As the child is born.

"So how is it?" Raising her head like a queen as she regards the father of her children.

"Congratulations Mrs. Manoban, eh.... This time it's a boy...." The nurse politely hands the infant to her, only watching her stiff expression and the pitiful expression on the child's father, the nurse can't help but feel strange.

Jennie wordlessly holds her son, letting the nurse push her out of the delivery room as Lisa meekly lowers her head and leaves by the door.

"Daddy." Leo, who enters the first grade the following year, has grown really adorable and even has a peculiar charm. Just then a group of young nurses had crowded around him, offering him candy, only her mummy had told him he shouldn't randomly eat other people's things, so he was really troubled! "Has my sister come out?"

Lisa wordlessly strokes her eldest son's head, grasping her hand before picking up her second son, while her third son still can't walk steadily and is carried by her mother-in-law.

"Lisa, so how is it? Say something!"

Watching him shake her head, mother Manoban eyes widen, secretly thinking her son-in-law has rough days ahead of him. Without asking him anymore, she helps carry her little grandson, following him towards the hospital room.

My Baby Mama (Jenlisa Adaptation) G!PWhere stories live. Discover now