5| 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘪𝘳

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚟

By the time it was Monday, my soreness had gone down by a lot but I knew Nina probably wanted to do another work out at her house. I didn't really feel like going but I packed some extra work out clothes in my bag before heading to school.

Neither Alexander or James made an appearance but no one seemed to question it. Or notice which was weird considering the huge crowd he had around him since day one.

As expected, Nina insisted on at least one more training session where I could learn a practice routine and get familiar with basic steps. She said it wouldn't be as draining as the last one and I blindly trusted her.

So now, in the bathroom in her living room getting changed into shorts and t-shirt. I slipped the shorts over my legs and I am about to open the door when I hear loud pairs of footsteps entering the living.

"Baby!" I hear Nina yelp excitedly. I recognize James' laugh.

"Yeah, I wanted to surprise you."

I opened the door slowly, expecting to just see Nina and James but when I spot him I go rigid.

I really did not want to see Alexander again. Especially after his weird actions in the parking lot of the grocery store. Who checks a person's teeth when you're not even the dentist? He just seemed like such an aggressive person, not to mention the weird feeling in my stomach.

"Corvina!" Nina looks at me, a large bouquet of roses in her arms.

I see his back stiffen and he slowly turns around to face me. He looks me up and down in my attire and I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks when I notice his eyes stay looking at my legs a little longer than usual.

"Look who's back," Nina finishes.

I smiled and waved at them awkwardly. Alexander breaks out of whatever trance he was in and sends me a small scowl as usual.

"Hey Corey,"

I grimace.

"Hey Corvina," James smiles and I smile back.

"I thought I told you cheerleading was a bad option for you," Alexander steps forward.

"I didn't ask you."

He doesn't look pleased by the answer and I see James and Nina, watching us silently in the background.

"A weak little human shouldn't do such a dangerous thing. You're too fragile."

Thank you, Kanye. Very cool.

I step away from him, "Aren't you a weak little human too?"

He chuckles and looks down at me as his face softens, "of course."

What is this guys problem? I barely know him and suddenly he thinks he can tell me what I should and shouldn't do. If I didn't get so nervous every time i was around him I'd-

"Alright Alexander, that's enough of making Corvina uncomfortable. We have to practice."

He rolled his eyes, "I was joking. We're all friends here."

James and Alexander left and I practiced the routine with Nina. I should not have believed her. This was hard. I couldn't memorize any of the steps and my regret only worsened by Wednesday when I realized the football team was practicing the same time as cheer tryouts.

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