22| 𝘧𝘢𝘮𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘦𝘥

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚝𝚠𝚘

The hot tears stopped falling at some point and when a biting wind went by I forced myself to look up. I wiped my face with my sleeve and sniffled, looking at the empty cemetery around me.

I must have been crying for a while because it had practically disappeared and dusk was upon the world. Looking back to my father's grave, I sat up and repositioned the roses that had been knocked over by the wind. I had to bite my lip tol hold back another sob. Just looking at his grave made me want to dissolve into thin air.

My muscles ached as I stood up, previously disliking my slouched position. I yawned, stretching my arms above my head before looking around to find the exit. After quickly locating the bright red exit sign, I looked over to my dad's grave one more time to say bye.

Another harsh draft went by and I pulled my hood up to try and protect myself from the weather.

When did it get so cold?

I shivered as I began walking, off the grass and onto the gravel pathway that led to the entrance.

I pulled out my phone to check the time and grimaced when I saw it was dead. My frown only deepened when I remembered I had to get back home to my mom. It was a little relaxing knowing I had some place to go instead of bothering Nina or looking for a motel. And it was very relaxing knowing Mike wasn't there anymore.

Halfway to the entrance I heard gravel crunching behind me. I turned around but saw nothing, only tombstones and trees. I shrugged it off and continued walking, and then I heard it again. Once more, I turned around and suspected my surroundings, a weird feeling settling into my stomach.

I stayed put for a moment, too see if my uneasiness was just my imagination, but I didn't hear anything. It was just my breathing and the sound of leaves rustling in the wind.

Maybe the stress is getting to me a little too much.

I faced the entrance again and my eyes widened when I saw a figure approaching me.


My brows furrowed at James as he ran towards me, wondering what he was talking about until a force knocked to the ground from behind. A putrid smell wafted into my nose and a throaty hiss came out of whatever knocked me over.

Pale gray hands flipped me around and my breathing stopped at what I was beholding. Grimy brown hair cascaded around me and coal black eyes locked with mine before my eyes quickly scanned the rest of its features.

It looked like a person. Perhaps it was a person but, when it hissed again, I knew exactly what it was.

Tan hands gripped onto its shoulders and it was suddenly ripped off me. I scrambled to my feet, hastily, the gravel making me stumble and slip back down. Pieces of rock were stabbing into my hands when I finally stood up.

The vampire roared in James' arms before quickly ripping it's head off.

And when I ripped, honey, I mean ripped that thing's head off. There was a vulgar sound of rotten flesh tearing and the smell of decaying bodies only intensified. I gagged and had to turn my head away, fearing my stomach's contents would be emptied onto someone's grave.

A hand gently placed itself on my shoulder and my heart raced as I whipped my head around. James held his hands up.

"It's just me," he nodded, "you alright?"

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