12| 𝘴𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎

I took his hand, skeptically, but he only led me back to the kitchen. The warmth of his hand left mine as he walked up to a drawer and pulled out a bunch of paper menus from different places. On cue my stomach growled and I lamely coughed to try and cover it up.

"Pick one," he laid them out on the table and peeked over at them.

My eyes lingered at the sushi one for a while before looking back at the Chinese food and pizza places. At the sight of the sushi menu, my mouth started to water but sushi was expensive and I didn't have a lot of money on hand with me right now.

The coffee I had before this wasn't the cheapest.

Still worth it though.

I picked a random pizza place and Alexander grimaced.

"No. Let's get this instead."

I didn't even see what he chose before he quickly pulled it away and got his phone out to order. I rolled my eyes at him and mindlessly started staring around his house before something peaked my interest.

The crest.

With the wolf and the moon behind it.

It was hanging up right above the fireplace, just like at Nina's house. I'm not sure how I didn't recognize it before. I walked up to it and looked at it more closely. The one in Nina's house seemed to have a coppery sheen to it but this one was like white gold.

I couldn't deny that it was really pretty, but it was a little odd that both of them would have it and Alexander would have it tattooed into his body.

I took in a sharp breath when I felt his chest against my back, "See something interesting?"

His chest lightly rumbled with every word he said and he gently flipped me around so I was facing him. He looked down at me, softly.

"The crest," I motioned to it with my head, "Nina has the same one."

Alexander's eyebrows lifted in surprise before he smirked.

"Does she? What's so interesting about it?" he took a step closer.

I took a step back, "It's just pretty."

He took another step forward, "Pretty?"

"Yeah," I took another step back until I hit the wall behind me. His blue eyes never left mine and his blond hair had become undone from the usual slick he had at the front, a few pieces falling in front of his eyes.

He placed both his hands on either side of my head and looked down at me. I peaked under his shoulder, paranoid his father or brother would come down and see us like this.

He noticed.

"They're busy," he said.

I peered back into his eyes and looked up at him again. He was towering over me, caging me in with two muscled arms. My stomach was tense and I looked over his broad shoulders and lean torso. He brought his head down so it was almost level with mine, catching my eyes with his again.

He took his right hand down and rested on his left elbow, coming even closer to me. Alexander placed his right hand on the curve of my waist as he looked at me.

"This okay?" he asked in a low voice.

My voice was caught in my throat. I was so overwhelmed that all I could do was give a singular nod.

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