21| 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚘𝚗𝚎

You know, I've done a lot of crying since school started.

And while this is true, I wouldn't say I'm an expert on it. Emotions are a tricky thing. Where does one find the line between caring for their well-being and outright neglecting others for their benefit? On one hand, someone might just be doing something for their mental state even though it completely tarnishes someone else's.

Either way, it's difficult to navigate them which is why some people ignore them.

Subconsciously, I think I have done exactly that.

I didn't realize how stressed the vacation at the lake had made me. Once Nina had dropped me off, it's like the weight of everything hit me at once. Werewolves, vampires, soulmates. I was a human, a small little speck, somehow in the middle of it all.

And Alexander.


It was scary, it was unknown. How in the actual hell was I supposed to cope with all of this information. It's not necessarily something I can just passively accept and move on from. It's an entirely new world I have been opened up to and now I must live in it, no matter how easy it was to simply run away from everything-

Slowly, I went to florist section of the grocery store, my thoughts keeping me occupied.

-And perhaps that was why so many graves went without flowers  every single year: because people want to ignore what they know will confuse them and cause them pain. I'm guilty of this too, but I can't forget my dad. I can not forget him. Will not, even though my mother may have.

Sighing, I looked at the dilapidated selection of flowers in the grocery store. I mean, I know it's not really the correct weather to grow flowers, it being November and all, but come on? Chewing on my lip, I picked a decent looking bouquet of red roses and went to check out.

The thought of my dad rarely leaves my mind, especially after the broken sentence Nina had started but cut herself off. Yet, I had been too busy to stop and get him flowers for his grave. The last time I went was before school started.

Behind me, in line for the cashier, a baby started crying. Discreetly, I turned around to witness the mother shushing her baby hurriedly, a flush of embarrassment and frustration lightly coating her cheek. The baby stopped crying immediately after the mother had fished a worn down duck stuffie from her bag and handed it to him.

I never understood how parents did that. As I said before, emotions are tricky, crying making them more complicated than need be.

If a mother continues to give in to her baby every time it cries, then eventually it will realize this pattern and continue to whine every time it wants something. At some point the parent has to stop giving in, but when? How?

What if they don't stop?

I paid and said thank you to the cashier before grabbing the roses and walking out of the store.

Now, how to get to the cemetery from here? If I turn there then-


I turned around and nearly dropped the roses in my hands.



Should I make a break for it?

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