15| 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘧𝘪𝘦

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚏𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

Damn, this wolf is everywhere huh?

My body pressed against the door as I looked at it and my hand went back up to my scar.

It sat on its hind legs again and whimpered, holding up a paw. The wolf was so huge, that when it was sitting it was at my eye level.

My hand went from my neck to my chest, as I tried to calm my heart rate.

"Are you going to bite me again?" I asked it.

It shook its head.

"Huh," I relaxed and pushed myself off the door, "Fair enough."

I walked up to it cautiously and it barked, dangling its paw in front of me. I looked into its eyes and I felt my heart soften. My eyes went to its paw. I walked closer and gently took. It allowed me to do so.

"Are you hurt?"

The wolf whined and I gently turned its paw over. Another gasp left me as I saw a large splinter. I gently patted its head, feeling the soft fur underneath my fingertips.

"What happened wolfie?" I murmured softly.

Surprisingly, the wolf grasped the tiny piece of wood between its teeth and pulled out the splinter by itself.

Oh my god.

First of all, pain tolerance is higher than no other.

Second of all, holy shit, this wolf is really smart.

"Impressive, wolfie," I scratched behind its ear and he barked at me happily.

I looked back at the house to make sure Nina or James hadn't heard anything. This wolf barks really loudly.

"You gotta be quiet dude, there are people sleeping."

I swear it rolled its eyes.

"Okay, attitude," I rolled my own.

I looked back at the wolf and chuckled. I felt a warm feeling spread throughout my chest as I locked eyes with it.

"You look really scary but you're really one big softie, aren't you wolfie?"

It licked my face and I laughed.

The lights flicked on and I quickly turned around to see a very worried Nina looking between me and the wolf. My mouth gaped slightly as I stared at her.

Why do I feel like I've been caught doing a heinous crime?

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Nina rushed up to me and grabbed my head, looking for injuries.

"I'm fine," I said softly, "it just jumped the fence."

Nina sighed, "Yeah, rodents do that."

The wolf growled again and she immediately lowered her head, murmuring an apology.

She sighed before looking back up again, "It's pretty late. We should go back to sleep."

I looked at the wolf and frowned. I may never get to see it again! But it was so cool and soft!

I internally groaned as I felt tiredness pull at my eyes. Nina was right and it was late.

"Bye wolfie," I scratched behind it's ear again and it stood up on all fours before running away. My heart fell.

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