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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛

I never learned how to control my nerves. After my father died the only mechanisms i had were playing with my fingers and crying.

The sun was setting when Nina and I set out from my house and I liked the way orange and purple hues of the sky warmed my skin despite the cold weather. A random pop song playes softly in the background and Nina hummed along.

Despite her soothing voice and the calm atmosphere, my leg would not stop bouncing up and down. I was so nervous for my date with Alexander. I kept imagining the worst possible scenarios.

Like, what if I choke on my food? What if my dress flips up and he sees my underwear? What if I get a snot rocket?

"Do you know where you guys are going tonight?" Nina's voice broke out.

I shook my head, "no,"

She hummed, "Maybe it's a surprise,"

Nina wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively and a frown came over my face. I was honestly okay with anything. Well anything except Olive Garden. Looking out the window, I tried to grasp how far we were from Alexander's house. We were one a flat road with woods on either side of us, the sun breaking through the tops of the trees and along the road down the middle.

"Can you text Alexander and tell him we'll be there in like thirty seconds?" She handed me her phone and told me her password so I could unlock it.

I texted Alexander and then put back in the cup holder

I looked down at my lap and tried to stop bouncing my leg. I opted to play with the lace hem of my dress, picking at loose threads.

Then I was jerked to the right and my arms automatically went up around my head. I slammed into the window and I heard tires screeching as Nina's rolled over. Helplessly floating around, I couldn't do anything to protect myself from shards of glass from the broken windows flying toward me. All I did was shut my eyes and cradle my arms around my head.

The airbags deployed and it hit my right in the face, forcing the back of my head to hit the sit and a sharp brain spread through my skull.

The car flipped another time, a loud thump sound and the car dramatically lifted to the right before plopping down. There was a loud hiss and I hesitantly opened my eyes as the airbags deflated.

My head and neck were throbbing and my cheeks were stinging with small cuts from the glass.

What happened?

I looked over at Nina who automatically reached out to find my hand. I grasped hers tightly and we both looked at each other worried. There was a pretty large cut on her temple that was bleeding.

My head was dizzy and I felt like my eyes couldn't focus. Everything was blurred together but when the scent of rotting flesh and sulfur hit my nose and I forced myself to sober as fast as I could.

I gagged, looking at the thick black liquid that was sprayed over what was left of Nina's windshield and then I looked to the road where a limp body was laying. I watched with horror as it popped itself back together on the concrete, bones cracking.

The vampire slowly stood up and looked towards us with empty eyes. A sickening smile was on its face as it slowly crept towards us, adjusting itself along the way. It looked like it was moving in slow motion.

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