27|𝘢 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚢-𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗

I know I said I had asthma, but until this moment I don't think I truly understood what it meant to be breathless.

Alexander pulled away and I felt dizzy. I felt his thumb lightly trace over my swollen lips before he leant back down and kissed me again. My arms fell over his shoulders and my fingers moved to greedily tangle themselves in his hair. One of his hands was firmly pressed against the small of back, pushing me against his rigid body. The other was holding my face warmly.

My stomach tightened and I felt a need I had only ever felt with him. It was softly telling me to get closer to him, but we were already pressed against each other with absolutely no space in between us. How much closer could we possibly get?

Something warm bloomed in my lower abdomen and I nearly buckled over. My legs would have given out had Alexander not been holding me up. His mouth was warm against mine and his hands moved, trailing down my body until they landed on the back of my thighs.

Alexander swiftly pulled me up and I wrapped my legs around his hips but suddenly everything halted as he pulled away and his eyes met mine.

I will never get tired of looking into his eyes.

"Is this okay? I am not scaring you, am I?"

I shook my head no. Hearing his voice made my skin burn with anticipation. It was low and hoarse.

"Just tell me when to stop and I will. I promise."

"I trust you."

He kissed me again, slowly. It was gentle and unrestrained at the same time. I felt like Alexander was showing me something, giving me something of himself and I wanted more. I wanted to know everything he had to say.

We were moving.

Well he was moving.

I felt myself be thrown down onto his plush bed, soft cotton sheets enveloping me. Alexander climbed over me and my legs wrapped around his waist once against. He looked down at me, adoringly, before he dove down to my neck, lightly kissing the scar.

I let out a shaky breath and my legs tightened around his waist, my fingers gripping his hair harder.

Alexander let out a throaty groan and I felt something clench at the sound of it.

Dear God.

The doorbell rang.

My eyes shot open and Alexander stopped his movements. He stilled for a moment before looking down at me, breathless on his bed. He silently got off the bed and walked out of the room to get the door.

I sat up instantly.

I pressed my hands to my cheeks which were burning and I turned to my left to catch a glimpse of myself in his bathroom mirror only to see myself. Except my lips were puffy and my cheeks were flushed. I needed to calm down.

Alexander walked back into the room holding a box of pizza.

Oh, right.

Forgot about that.

He sat down next to me on the bed but I could not bring myself to look at him knowing how red my face was. Instead I concentrated on the pizza box and cheesy goodness that it held. Alexander opened the box and almost immediately there was a knock on the door.

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