19| 𝘧𝘰𝘤𝘶𝘴

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𝚜𝚌𝚎𝚗𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚎𝚗

There's a word for this feeling.

I saw it on pinterest one time.

I think.

But when you acknowledge that someone has a life as vivid and complex as your own; the feeling when you realize you are the side character in their story and they are the side character in yours.

I would get this feeling a lot as I grew up.

There's no other way to describe it other than it almost felt cathartic.

I sat with Nina on the edge of the dock, our toes scratching the surface of the water. She had been explaining everything to me: werewolves, how they work, the pack system, what the crest meant.

Looking back on everything it made a lot of sense.

Alexander was an alpha, which is why everyone treated him with so much respect at school and why his house was so large, and his crest was golden. It almost made me laugh when Nina first told me.


An alpha?


Mainly, their pack system was the same as a normal wolf's system. There were others.

"It's kinda just like Twilight," Nina shrugged.

I nodded my head. What surprised me the most was I felt inexplicably calm as she was telling me this. I just figured out that werewolves exist. How the hell am I taking it so well? I mean, i still had so many questions, the biggest one being as to why the actual fuck Alexander bit me.

She said it was just light Twilight. So does that mean...

"Do vampires exist too?" I asked.

Nina stiffened before she chuckled nervously, "Yeah, but they're not like the ones in Twilight. We could probably vibe if they were all like Dr. Sexy and Jasper, but there are a little more, feral."


"They have no humanity. They live only to kill and to kill alone. They don't even look human anymore."

I looked down at the shiny water and frowned. "That's awful."

Nina sighed, "Yeah. You know," she paused thinking a minute before continuing, "Your fathe-"

"Y'all talking shit?"

I jumped at James' voice. I didn't even hear him walk up since I had been so immersed in my own thoughts and the conversation.

Your father.

What would my father have to do with anything?

"I was explaining everything to Corvina," Nina smiled at him as she sat down beside her.
"What about my father?" I interjected. My curiosity had been piqued. What did they know about my father? What did they know about me?

I saw James' eyebrows raise.

"Everything? Does Alexander want that?" he asked cautiously.

Nina shrugged, "It's better if she knows everything now. Then nothing can bite her in the ass later."

"Fair enough," James turned his head to look at the gradually setting sun.

Nina's face stiffened and slouched back, "Actually, maybe I shouldn't get into everything right now. You've done everything pretty well so far. I don't want to push it."

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