Chapter 1 - Arguments

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Third-Person POV

8th August 1994

In the dead of night, Malfoy Manner is silent, not a sound is heard. But for Tilly, all she hears is fighting, screaming and deaths. She breathing is heavy, and she's shanking in her bed, tossing from the terror she watches. Draco is in the room next to her and can never sleep if Tilly isn't ok. And judging by the sky, Tilly isn't fine, in fact, she crying in her sleep. She can hear a dying voice yelling at two people that crouch down in front of it. They are planning something the question is what. Tilly recognises Pettigrew and assumes that the voice is Voldemort. She also understands she can't be involved with people trying to find out who the Dark lady is if she is real, but she wants to know about the plan.

"We have to do it with the boy and girl!" Voldemort snaps. "I know the girl will understand," Voldemort whispers to himself. The other man speaks to Voldemort about not failing him. Nagini slides past the caretaker, taking him by surprise. She talks to Voldemort telling him about the caretaker, Voldemort gets Pettigrew to move out of the way. Then kills the old man.

Draco goes to check on Tilly and finds her tossing in a pool of her sweat. Draco starts to shake Tilly to wake her up; she jolts up, her breath shallow yet fast.

"You're ok. You're ok." Draco coos as Tilly cuddles into his arms.

"Thanks, Bubs. I have to get ready to leave. I'll meet you at the tournament." Tilly sighs and goes over to her packed close and starts to get dressed, when Draco comes behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rests his head in her neck.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay with me?" Draco whined.

"I only won't see you for a day; then I'm all yours." Tilly smiles, turning in Draco's arms. The two had gotten even closer through these holidays. With both being an animagus, and Tilly watching Lucius's every move, not letting him touch Draco. The two had even made out! But neither makes a move on the other, so all it is is a kiss here and there. Tilly is getting fed up with Draco kissing her one day than talking about Pansy the next. Like, choose one! On the other hand, Draco can't find the courage to ask Tilly out, but promises himself he would ask her this year.

Tilly floos over to the Weasley's, being greeted by an ecstatic, Fred and George.

"Tildie!" they scream, even if it's very early morning.

"Hey, boys." Tilly quickly hugs George, but Fred grabs her pulling her into his grip and lifting her in the air, letting her wrap her legs around his waist. George rolls his eyes as Fred carries Tilly over to the kitchen, despite Tilly's yelling.

"I have legs; I can walk." Fred laughs.

"I know. I can either do this now or in front of Malfoy and Snape and risk a broken nose." Tilly shakes her head. Hermione, Ginny walk in with George and all stare at the two.

"He's isn't letting go of me." Tilly glares at Fred as he smirks.

"Put my sister down." Harry snaps coming in. Fred grins, but places Tilly on the ground.

"Doesn't matter where I am, I always have someone who's overprotective of me. Dad, Draco, Harry; the lists goes on and on." The boys shrug their shoulders, and the girls laugh.

The group set off with Tilly on Fred or Georges shoulders, as they didn't want her royal highness to have sore heat. As the group approaches, Amos Diggory Tilly jumps down and walks over to the girls. Cedrick jumps down from the tree as Arthur introduces him.


"Cedrick!" Tilly runs over to Cedrick, and he picks her up, twirling her around the ruffling her hair, once she's back on the ground. "Don't do that!" Tilly lightly slaps Cedrick's arm. "I'll set my snake on you." Tilly threatens jokingly. Cedrick laughs as he and the twins lead the way. Hermione and Ginny dash over to Tilly. The two look to each other than to Tilly with knowing looks. "Oh, please." Tilly huffs as the girls obviously think Cedrick's cute. Tilly walks over to Harry, getting out his water and handing it to him. "I could tell you need it." Tilly smiles to her brother who nods, thanking her.

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