Chapter 17 - Third Task

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Third-Person POV

24th June 1995

The Champions and their chosen guardian were waiting under the stands, while the band played. Severus and Albus were talking when Draco comes up behind Tilly and pulls her into a hug.

"Oh, hi," Tilly whispers. "You shouldn't be in here."

"I know, but I had to see you before you left. Good luck." Draco kisses Tilly's head then ducks out, going back to his seat. Albus nods to Amos and Cedrick, and the two lead the group out. Amos is very proud of his son, and everyone can see it, the way he shows off his son and the smile on his face. Their Headmaster and Headmistress lead fleur and Krum. Dumbledore takes Harry, and Tilly chose to have her Dad walk with her. Tilly looks around and catches Moody's eye, he licks his lip again in that weird way and winks at her. Tilly realises her theory is confirmed, meaning Voldemort is coming back and now. Tilly leans up to Snape and whispers.

"The times now. You have to fight the pain when he calls you. I'll be fine." Snape looks at Tilly, pulling her into a hug. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Pumpkin." Tilly smiles and shuffles over to Cedrick.

The taller boy looks down at her, confused about what she wants. "Cedrick, tell your Dad you love him." Cedrick frowns, but before he could ask why Tilly cuts him off. "Just do it." Tilly walks back to her spot as Dumbledore starts to speak.

"As Ms Snape is in first place she will go first. Followed by Mr Diggory and Mr Potter. Then Mr Krum and Finally Ms Delacour." The crowd chants for the champion they want to win, most of which are for Tilly. "The first to touch the cup will be the winner!" The crowd cheers and the champions take their places. Four of the champions don't have to leave yep, so are pacing or fidgeting, Tilly is about to enter the maze and for the first-time fear takes it's hold on her body. By the fear isn't for herself, but everyone else. Tilly takes a breath hugging her Dad quickly and nodding her head to Draco, as he bites her fingernails. The cannon goes off, and Tilly is ready to go in, but Harry stops her, tackling her in a hug before leaving.

"Be careful Lill."

"You too, James." Tilly turns back to the crows, raising her hand and smiling a strongly as she can muster, waving goodbye, knowing when she comes back, there won't be any cheering.

As the walls close behind her, Tilly runs forward and doesn't stop, turning every time she can. She doesn't know how she knows where she's going, but she does. After running for a while, Tilly hears Fleur scream out and runs towards the scream, wanting to help the girl. Tilly can hear two sets of feet coming closer to her and hides. Peering around the corner Tilly see Krum go to attack Harry, but she cuts him off, using a spell of her own.

"Duma del-fin." Krum falls to the ground, seemingly dead.

"What spell was that?"

"Mine. It means he'll sleep until this is over." Tilly sends a jet of red sparklers into the air, signalling to take Krum. Tilly runs around and finds Fleur, managing to grab her before the vines take her and then send for help as the two siblings are running Cedrick shoots at a ghost of Krum. Harry tries to calm the older boy, but Tilly is too focused on linking their lives with hers.

The three see the cup at the end, and the two boys speed towards it, but Tilly thinks as she takes over the boys. It can't be this easy. This can't be the end. Cedrick falls and ends up being tangled in the vines. Tilly and Harry look from the cup to Cedrick as he calls for the two to help him. Harry is the first to break and runs to help, but Tilly can feel that her instinct not to help wasn't from the maze, it is from her and him. Voldemort is close, and Tilly knew that is she heled Cedrick now, he'd die. But Harry and Cedrick were in trouble, and Tilly could fight their pleas anymore.

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