Chapter 5 - Nosy

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Third-Person POV

27th October 1994

Rita Skeeter is one of the most annoying and nosey people anyone has ever met. The five champions are meeting with her for the first time to have their first interview done. Rita clicks the camera and a bright light flashes, blinding the five students.

"We want to know the hidden secrets, that buried deep, behind wounds and... scars." Rita looks directly at Harry and Tilly and the mention of scars. "I know one of you is the youngest, so which it is?" Tilly looks to Harry who's smiling, knowing he's 15 minutes older than her.

"We're born on the same day. But I'm 15 minutes younger." Tilly huffs.

"Wow. Your parents made sure you two would grow up together, so much so that you were born 15 minutes apart."

'Yes, that is the only explanation possible for how James and I are so close in birth. Because that's how childbirth works!' Tilly sasses, not meaning to say it in Harry's head, but as he hears her he laughs as she's taken away.

Rita takes Tilly down into an old broom cupboard as they're walking down Tilly mutters.

"I now know how James felt." Rita doesn't hear what Tilly said and goes off on a long tangent.

"So, Tilly, what's it like competing against wizard older than you? Are you scared?" Tilly sighs.

"I'm one of the most powerful witches Hogwarts, or The Ministry has ever seen. I can do wandless and wordless magic. I'm an animagus, that can transform into any animal. I've bested Albus Dumbledore in a duel. I don't have anything to be worried about." Rita nods, and realise that Tilly isn't a helpless young witch, this means Rita takes a different path.

"Your Father, Severus Snape, he has a reputation for being cold-hearted. And from what I saw and heard the other week, he seems abusive, is this true?"

"NO! How dare you! My Dad would never hurt me. That night, when I go this scar," Tilly pulls her robe to the side. "He blames himself for me being there. He thinks it his fault Voldemort did this to me, because he dropped me off at a friend's house, while he was at work!" Tilly is standing out of her chair and huffing with every breath. "Next question." Tilly moves the question along once she calm.

Rita plans to come back to Snape but moves on, not risking her life.

"It's known you are very close to Draco Malfoy, and that he spontaneously kisses you, are you two dating?"

"No. He's my best friend, that's all he is." As the words left Tilly mouth, they hurt her heart.

"Is that what he thinks you are?"

"My friends say he sees me as more, but I'm sure he doesn't. I think he knows it pisses off James and that's what he wants to do." Tilly chuckles.

"Who's James?" Tilly shakes her head, realising Rita doesn't understand.

"My middle name is Lillian after my Dad's best friends, Lily Potter. And James is Harry Potter's middle name. We call each other by our middle names." Rita nods as an idea come to mind.

"What about your relationship with Mr Potter? Are you two an item?" Tilly shakes her head harshly, not wanting to open her mouth at risk of her breakfast coming up.

Rita nods and asks one more loaded questions knowing Tilly would lose it that storm off.

"To sum up. Your emotions change the weather; you're a Parselmouth, an animagus, top student, and all-round great witch." Tilly nods hesitantly, feeling as though Rita will say something that will make Tilly explode. "You've had a rough childhood. Your 'Dad' forced you to use a different name because of his reputation. You closest friends are known for only liking Pure-Bloods, which you are not. You have battelled death multiple time in the past few years." Rita takes a quick breath. "You have most of the boy's, and some girl's, wanting to steal your heart. More specifically, you have the Malfoy heir's and The Chosen One, wanting you." Tilly stares down Rita as she finishes her fatal line. "From my point of view, you act tough and strong, but your Father is abusive, forcing you to love a rich heir when all you want is Harry James Potter!" Tilly doesn't even say a word, just gets up storming out of the cupboard, as Rita chases her.

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