Chapter 6 - Ferret

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Third-Person POV

4th August 1994

When Tilly found Harry, he filled her in about Hagrid and how he wanted to see them and bring their cloaks. Hagrid with Harry and Tilly under their invisibility cloaks are walking through the Forbidden Forest. Harry and Tilly look closely at Hagrid spotting the flower and combed hair. Before Tilly can say anything a roar is heard, then Madam Maxine's voice calling Hagrid.

"Put the cloak on," Hagrid says then walks over to Maxine, taking her hands and talking to her. The two get really mushy, and Harry fake vomits, but Tilly smiles, only slightly uncomfortable.

"James, stop acting like a child. Love is love."

"I agree love is love...Unless it's between you and Malfoy, then it gross, forced and manipulative," Harry says smirking. Tilly shakes her head, sighing at her big brother.

Tilly and Harry follow Hagrid to a bush, where he pulls it down to show dragons. Fire breathing dragons.

"That's our first task. What's the bet, we get the hardest dragons to fight?" Harry nods agreeing with Tilly. "Hagrid, what are the worst two dragons we could get?" Tilly asks once Maxine is out of earshot.

"I'd say the Norwegian Ridgeback is second-worst, and if either of you gets the Hungarian Horntail, I'm sorry." Hagrid sighs, as Harry looks petrified, but Tilly plans on Harry not getting the Horntail.

11th August 1994

It had been a week since Tilly and Harry saw the dragons and now everyone had bought badges that said 'Cedrick Rules. Snape's Hot. Potter Sucks'. Tilly and Harry weren't too happy with the badges, but try to let them side, as they have more to worry about.

"James I understand why you hate what you slide of the badges says, but at least they don't just see you like a piece of meat, or something like that."

"Lill, I love you, and I'm very sorry for what your slide says, but you've stolen most, almost all the hearts in this school. The two other schools have been here only one month, and how many have asked you out?" Tilly mumbles a reply under her breath, not wanting to prove Harry right. Harry raises his eyebrows and Tilly speaks up.

"I don't know... maybe... 100. Plus, the years we've been here and our school, it's 500. Roughly." Harry nods, having his point proven.

Truthfully the attention wasn't uncalled for. Tilly is a beautiful girl. Her emerald green eyes pop out against her porcelain skin. Her black hair reached her mid-back when out, and it is silky smooth. She's only slightly taller than average because of her long legs and is fit too. Even her hook nose had disappeared enough that she had a rounder nose. Tilly could never see any beauty in herself, she only keeps fit knowing she has to face Voldemort one day, and until that day she has a feeling there's going to be a lot of running, plus, she has quidditch.

A few students they passed called out to them about the badges, mostly praising Cedrick, sexualising Tilly, and degrading Harry. Tilly lets the overly sexual comments fly by, knowing that no one will see her as just 'hot' once she completes the first task. Harry tries to get through a small group of students, but they don't let him until Tilly stands behind him.

"Let us through. Now!" The kids step out the way looking to the ground. Tilly trails behind Harry as he tells Cedrick about the Dragons being the first task. "You better hope you get a nice one too."

"I had nothing to do with the badges. Tilly, I'm sorry they see you as-"

"As nothing more than a body to use. Thanks." Tilly says sarcastically. "Fleur and Victor know too." Cedrick nods, as the two others leave.

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