Chapter 13 - Egg Answers

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Third-Person POV

Tilly kneels to Draco, sitting on her knees. Draco looks into her eyes, and the pain filling his eyes lifts, seeing Tilly's beautiful emerald green eyes, and the way they sparkle. Tilly puts out her hand for Draco to take, and slowly he does. Tilly pulls the two of them up and helps Draco to sit on the sink. Tilly takes out her wand, which she never uses, due to being able to do wandless magic. Tilly slowly draws her wands end across the fresh cuts on Draco's arms. For the two months, Draco and Tilly hadn't been on the best of terms, Draco had gone back into his dark hole of depression, and with no love to bring him out, he just sat there. The scars ranged from small little dashes to more enormous gashes, some are white from scaring time, and some are open and red, being from only days ago or today.

Once all Draco's wounds are cleaned up and only small marks, Tilly turns around and goes over to the bath, and turns on the tap. Steam wafts into her face, from the boiling water in the tub, Tilly grabs some green apple bubble bath liquid and tips a little in, swirling it around to create fluffy bubbles. Tilly looks back at Draco and watches him trace over scars with tears in his eyes. Tilly walks over to the pale boy, standing in between his legs, she takes his wrist, gives small kisses to every mark, and sees some colours come back to her best friend.

"You hop in the bath, while I get you some clean pyjamas and tidy up your room, ok?" Tilly smiles as Draco nods, hopping off the bench. Tilly leaves before Draco starts to unchanged, and with a flick of her wrist, the room turns back to how it was before. Beds made, desks clean, floor spotless, and mirrors fixed.

Once happy, Tilly dusts her hands, taking out Draco's pyjamas, which are just a pair of grey sweatpants. Tilly folds them up and starts to walk over to Draco bed, to wait for him, but he calls her.

"Till? Can you come here?" Tilly feels her heartbeat pick up slightly at Draco's request, and a blush rises on her cheeks. I have to make things right with him. Even if he wants to be with Parkinson. Tilly didn't want to admit it, but she wants to be the one Draco chose, but she wasn't, it was Pansy he chose. That didn't mean they couldn't be friends, best friends at that. The two have known each all their lives, and no matter how much the other hurt one, they will always come running back.

"Draco," Tilly lightly knocks on the door. "Are you ok? Are you sure you want me to come in?" Tilly could hear Draco chuckle from inside.

"Yes, I'm fine. I just want to have you with me." Draco says shyly as Tilly leans against the door.

Tilly opens the door, walking in having her back to Draco as she puts his sweatpants down.

"You know, you could invest in a shirt or a full set of pyjamas."

"I could do that, but I'm not a fan of shirts. Especially when sleeping." Draco has his head resting on the back of the bathtub, thanks to the bubbles most of his chest down is covered. Tilly laughs at Draco's words, but her heart cracks again at her thought.

"I bet Pansy love that."

"I wouldn't know. I haven't seen her since that night, and I'm not showing her my body. Merlin, if I do that you have permission to send me to Azkaban." Draco smiles at Tilly seeing her face brighten slightly, but that frown.

"Why haven't you seen her? Are you two together?"

"NO!" Draco says very sternly, making it clear he didn't want to talk about Pansy. Tilly nods, sitting on a chair at Draco's head. Tilly fights the erg to run her finger through his hair but gives in when Draco sighs heavily.

A small smile graces Draco face, as he feels Tilly's nails trail in his hair.

"We can talk about that night after the next task, I have to have a clear head, and the only way I can do that is if we can be friends again."

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