Chapter 4 - Chosen

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Third-Person POV

The class had been dismissed, and everyone has filed out without a second thought. Hermione is complaining about Moody's teaching styles, while Tilly stays silent. She's performed an Unforgivable Curse, but what's scaring her the most is how natural and...exhilarating it felt when the spell sparked through her. Tilly's looks up from her thoughts and sees Neville.

"Nev," Tilly says quietly. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you went through that, and I'm sorry I cast that spell." Neville shakes her head; no words pass his mouth. "I'm here if you want to talk, that's all." Tilly nods to Neville, as Moody takes him away. "Neville you don't have to go with him." Neville shakes his head and follows Moody, looking very upset.

6th October 1994

Tilly and Hermione are sitting together finishing off a few homework sheets, while people add their names to the Goblet. A group of boys run in pushing Cedrick into the age barrier. Tilly watches closely as Cedrick drops his name into the fire, and it burst. All Cedrick's friends congratulate him, while Tilly shakes her head.

"What's up buttercup?" Cedrick says way too cheerfully for A Snape. Tilly frowns forcing Cedrick to say, "Right, I'm speaking to A Snape." Tilly gets to her point straight away.

"You're going to die in those games if you get chosen." Tilly states as everyone in the hall goes quiet. "It's not that I don't believe in you, it's're too nice. You'll risk your life for the others. Plus, I'd have a better chance than anyone at winning." Tilly smirks.

"Pipsqueak, I'll be fine. Plus, you'll have my back. Even if you're not able to enter, I know you won't let me die. You're too stubborn." Cedrick goes back to his friends as Fred and George come running in.

The twins praise each other for cracking how to trick the age barrier. Hermione and Tilly laugh, making the twins go either side of them.

"It's not going to work." The girls say in a singsong voice. Fred and George question the two girls and Hermione answers. "You see this; it's an age line or barrier. Dumbledore and Tilly drew it themselves."

"Thanks, Mione." Tilly shakes her head as Hermione apologises. "It's not going to work, Gramps, and I thought of everything. Something so dim-witted isn't going to work."

"That's why it will. Now give us a kiss," Tilly sighs but kisses the twin's cheeks, and they do the same to her.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George." They take the potion, jumping in and placing their name inside. Only to have them burst out and make them go flying. Not to mention the ageing.

Tilly gets up to break up the fight between the two twins and gets them back to looking young when Krum walks in the room. Tilly pays no attention to Krum, but he and his Headmaster pay close attention to Tilly. Krum puts his name in, then steals Hermione's glance before walking over to Tilly and offering her a hand up.

"What is someone of your beauty kneeling on the ground for?" Tilly doesn't answer, but having so many eyes on her takes his hand.

"I can guarantee, there are much more gorgeous girls here than myself," Tilly says wholeheartedly.

"NO!" About every boy yells. Some of the girls look to their boyfriends angry; other boys start to blush.

"My point is proven. You and your friend are the most beautiful girls I have ever seen." Tilly smiles at Krum's words, knowing he's talking about Hermione.

"Till!" Draco shouts from the other end of the hall, walking much faster than usual. Tilly turns to her best friends expecting him to snap at Krum or drag her off, not do what he does. Draco twists Tilly's body into his, holding her hips, and smashing his lips into her before anyone can do anything. Harry and the twins jump into action once they come too. Harry pushes Tilly and Draco apart while Fred and George drag him back. "I didn't realise you had a boyfriend," Krum says sheepishly.

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