Chapter 10 - Perfect Fit

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Third-Person POV

21st December 1994

Tilly and Hermione skip into Hogsmeade, ready to find their dresses. Hermione went to walk into a dress shop, but Tilly grabs her arm.

"No, no, my friend. This is all paid for by Lucius Malfoy. And he said we could get dresses custom made. This is him paying me back, so let's use it." Hermione smiles, for once she's happy not to argue, Lucius is a vile man, and very rich, he could pay for two very exquisite dresses and think it was a mere lunch meal.

"Ok, in that case, where to?" Tilly laughs and pulls Hermione down the street, pass a few shops then stops in front of a black vintage looking shop, name Vison Night. Tilly looks to Hermione and opens the stand in front of the door, having the doorman get it for them. "Fancy," Hermione whispers, as Tilly nods back.

As the girls walk up to the front desk, the man sitting there stands up.

"Young ladies, if you are looking for dresses, might I suggest the stores up the road." The man at the front desk asks, looking down on the two friends.

"Oh, I must have the wrong place. Lucius said you had the nicest servers; he must be talking of somewhere else. Sorry." Tilly says very soberly, knowing the second she told Lucius's name they'd freak.

"Did you say, Lucius? As Lucius Malfoy?" The man asks a quiver in his voice.

"Yes, I did. His son, Draco, is my best friend. I'm Matilda Snape. Do I have the wrong place, or not?" The man gasps, running out from behind his desk and ushering the girl through to the private dressing room.

"My mistake, you have the right place. Let me bring you some refreshments and something to eat while you look. Take your time and if you need anything, then ask." The man runs off, most likely to lock the store, making sure everyone full attention is on Tilly and Hermione, not wanting to upset Lucius.

Hermione stares shocked at Tilly, with her mouth a gap.

"That was incredible."

"I've been around the Malfoy's long enough, to know how to get, what I want," Tilly smirks, then pulls Hermione up from the couch and takes her place. "Now go try some dresses!" Tilly claps as Hermione walks out in her first dress. It was a light purple which looks alright but the shape not some much. Hermione tried on about 30 dresses, and they'd narrowed it down to two. A pale pink, frilly one, it's simple. Then a beautiful periwinkle, in the same style as the first, but fewer frills and more detail. The second one has a slight shoulder to it, with little birds from the waist up, and a few scattered.

"I think the second one," Hermione said, smiling.

"Me too." Tilly smiles back.

Hermione hangs her dress out and turns to Tilly.

"Your turn!" Tilly laughs, going into the change room. Tilly tries on a few, but none she loved, she comes out wearing a black full-length dress with a sweetheart neckline and silver detailing.

"Mione, I meant to ask, you are you going with?" Hermione giggles slightly.

"Victor Krum." She says softly. Tilly smiles to herself, happy to have her friends are going with each other.

"Hermione that's great! I'm so happy for you; you're going to have a great night." Tilly smiles, holding Hermione's hands.

"You never told me why you're going with Harry. Could you tell me now?" Tilly's sighs.

"Who I wanted to go with decided to go with someone else. And it just makes sense for James and me to go together. He can't find a date, and I don't want to go with anybody else. Saves us both the trouble." Tilly turns away not wanting to talk about it anymore. Tilly calls out before disappearing from view. "I have a girl willing to go with Ron. Poppy Kirk, the Ravenclaw." Hermione nods, not in the mood to speak of Ron.

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