Chapter 12 - Broken

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Third-Person POV

Tilly comes into the hall seeing everyone still dancing to a bit more upbeat music, while Harry and Ron sit on the side.

"What are you two doing?" They open their mouths to answer, but Tilly cuts them off. "Never mind, I left you, too do something and Poppy with, Sandy, Susie, Sally. Sydney!" Tilly huff, taking in big breaths. "Do me a favour, if you see Malfoy, give him the finger for me? Thanks." After getting that off her chest, Tilly runs into the dance floor's centre and starts talking to Hermione and Victor.

"What's wrong with her, mate?"

"Draco asked her out, then kissed Pansy," Harry answers Ron, who frowns. "If I see him, he's doomed." Ron nods in agreement.

Tilly looks at Victor and Hermione as Hermione questions her.

"Why are you still here?" Hermione yells, over the music.

"Malfoy's a dick, that's why." Hermione frowns, but Tilly shakes her telling she'll explain later. After about five minutes, Tilly had groups of boys dancing with her. A few boys had the wrong idea in mind and were getting a little handsy, and now and then someone else's lips would meet Tilly's. Usually, Tilly would never let them do this, but her heart is in pain, and this is the only thing, soothing the pain. Fred and George watch closely, not wanting Tilly to be taken advantage of. One Ravenclaw is starting to push it, and Tilly pushes him away, but he comes right back. Fred and George step in, Fred grabbing Tilly and George moving the boy out of the way. The twins carry the upset girl outside and look at her wanting answers.

Tilly looks between the two-towering boy before her and burst into tears. Fred and George look to each other than to the girl broken girl. Both wrap her in their arms as she cries. Tilly's breath had slowed enough for her to talk, so she asks, "I need my Dad." George nods and runs inside spotting Snape watching from the side, happy after coming back from the carriages, where he can give detentions to very intermate students.

"Sir!" George hells to the teacher, making him frown.

"Yes, Mr Weasley?" Snapes ask.

"Tilly needs you," George says bluntly. Hearing his Pumpkin needs him, nod to the boy and gets him to lead the way. Snape spots Tilly crying on the stairs with Fred hold her, and walks up to the boy, thanking them both, then taking his daughter in his arms.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tilly shakes her head, pulling her Dad closer. Snape nods, just holding Tilly in his arms as long as she needs.

Snape had subconsciously started to rock Tilly, as he did when she was younger. Tilly pulls back from her Dad, face wet and eyes red from her tears.

"Thanks, Dad." Tilly sniffles, as Severus gives her one more hug. Tilly looks over Snape's shoulder and sees Hermione yelling at Ron and sees she might need help. "Dad, I'm good now. I'll see you tomorrow." Tilly jumps up and runs to Hermione's who on the verge of tears. Tilly pulls Hermione into a quick hug, but she pulls out to yell at Harry and Ron.

"Ron, you spoiled everything!" Hermione yells as the two boys as they runoff. Hermione colipases into Tilly's arms.

"I think it's time we go back to your room. You don't mind if I stay with you, right?" Hermione shakes her head, telling Tilly she'd prefer to have to company.

Hermione and Tilly were the only ones in her dorm, as the others stayed with their friends. "I hate boys," Tilly said, lying in bed next to Hermione, who nods agreeing.

"You know why I'm upset, but what happened with Malfoy?" Tilly sighs deeply, finding it hard to think about.

"I went to meet him, and I found him making out with Pansy," Tilly says shortly, turning over to go to sleep. Hermione doesn't say anything, as she can tell Tilly just wants to sleep her pain away. The two girls close their eyes and drift off into a restless sleep.

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