Chapter 7 - The First Task

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Third-Person POV

24th August 1994

The day of the first task had arrived. Snape had been on edge for the last week, as Tilly prepared for the task. Draco had also been stressing and panicking. Before Tilly walks into the champions' tent, she goes over to her Dad.

"Dad, I know we haven't talked much, but I've had a lot on, and that's no excuse, so after this task, how about we have some tea and chat." Snape nods.

"I'd love that. I've missed my daughter." Snape bring Tilly into a quick hug. "Always,"

"Forever." Tilly lightly laughs, "It feels like forever since we've said that." Severus agrees once he thinks about it.

"While I've got you, I thought I'd let you know; The Ministry wants to do tests on your school levels, in particular Potions." Tilly frowns, she gets some of the best grades over the whole school. "It's because of me, being both your Dad and teacher, they think I'm playing favourites and giving you better grades." Tilly sighs, noting having the time to care right now.

Tilly waves goodbye to Snape, as he goes to the stands and she goes to the champion's tent. Tilly walks in a goes over to Harry, who is pacing back and forth. Before Tilly can talk to Harry, he starts talking to the 'wall' of the tent. Tilly goes closer and can hear Hermione's voice, and walks away, giving them a few seconds of privacy. Before Tilly gets too far away, Draco steps inside the tent and yanks Tilly into a hug, almost sobbing as he holds her. Neither says a word only look into each other's eyes, both understanding what the other wants. Draco tilts Tilly chin up and leans down, letting their lips touch lightly. The kiss is gentle and soft, with love and compassion, but also a wish to come back to him alive, and that's exactly what she promises.

Tilly and Draco are so wrapped up in their moment they missed Hermione and Harry hug and Rita Skeeter taking a photo. Krum gets rid of Rita, everyone thought, giving Harry enough time to see Draco and Tilly. He runs in between the two, pushing Draco away from Tilly. Tilly gets angry at Harry; then Hermione gives Tilly a quick hug dashing away when a flash fills the room.

"Thank you for that. That is diffidently on the cover page. Possessive best friend unloved, as the two Chosen One's fight for their love." Rita smiles as Victor hold back Tilly from beating her up. "Not to mention Miss Granger in all this; Who Will Matilda Choose? Malfoy, Potter or Granger? Stay tuned to find out."

"Get out! Get out now!" Tilly yells as Albus, Igor, Maxine and Crouch come in.

Albus look around the room as he speaks, seeing Malfoy and Hermione, so he asks.

"What are you going he Miss Granger, Mr Malfoy?" Albus looks to his grandchild as she smiles. Draco and Hermione have trouble coming up with an excuse and just say goodbye, Draco kissing Tilly cheek quickly then is dragged out by Hermione.

"Sorry, Gramps." Tilly smiles to the older man, as she has a few confused faces turn to her. "My Dad is Snape, and Albus is like a Father to him, along with Minerva as a Mother. Therefore, I call them my grandparents. Now let's get on with this." Tilly says as Crouch reorganises the champions is a specific order.

Fleur is first, then Krum, third is Cedrick, Harry is after, and finishing with Tilly. They draw out their dragons in this order. Fleur gets a Welsh Green, easiest one of the lot. Krum picks the Chinese Fireball, challenging but not impossible. Cedrick draws the Swedish Short-Snout, a level up but not too bad. Leaving the worst two for Tilly and Harry. Harry goes first, pulling out Norwegian Ridgeback, the one Hagrid said was bad to get, but not the worst.

"That leaves...Hungarian Horntail, for you, Miss Snape," Crouch says as Albus looks over Tilly's shoulder.

"I'll tell your Dad." Tilly nods in thanks.

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