Chapter 15 - Overwhelmed

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Third-Person POV

Tilly walks in the opposite direction and to Dumbledore's office, where Fudge is waiting. Pushing open the door and leaning against the desk, while the two older men bicker, get exhausting and Tilly breaks having enough.

"The attack and the Quidditch World Cup. The message. And now a man is dead." Tilly says sternly, shocking the three men in the room. Tilly has to deal with many crazy followers; Fudge is nothing compared. "I know we can't stop the games. But you have to take these threats seriously."

"The girls right. What about this 'Dark Lady'? If she follows through with her promise, then he'll be back, and we'll have two powerful dark wizards on our hands, plus their followers." Moody justifies, before turning to the door. Tilly can feel Harry presents as well and cuts off Fudge and Albus before they say anything else. Tilly opens the door and in walks Harry sheepishly.

After a very awkward moment, the three older men leave the two teens alone.

"Lill, what was that about?" Tilly shakes her head, walking over to Fawkes, and stroking the red bird. Harry being stupid and clumsy, falls back after taking a handful of Liquorish Snaps. Harry slams into the wall, making a few panels open to reveal a Pensieve.

"James! God, I can't turn my back for one minute before you break something." Tilly mumbles under her breath, as Harry peers into the water. Tilly stands next to Harry as the two look into the Pensieve, and are taken inside the memory. Tilly and Harry land next to Dumbledore. Harry tries to speak to him, but some man's hand passes through his chest, freaking him out. "James, we're not really here, only we can see each other." Tilly huffs annoyed. The cranking of a wheel is heard and inside a small capsule is Igor Karkaroff. Crouch addresses the room, asking for evidence why this trial was brought to court.

Igor tries to plead for lenience but is cut off until he mentions a few names.

"What about Snape? Severus Snape?" Tilly sucks in a breath at these words and stands up yelling, thinking no one can see or hear her.

"No!" Every head in the room turns to her as if she is merely a ghost before them.

"Who? What are you, dear Lady?" Albus asks, looking at the faint outline of the girl.

"It matters not who I am. But Severus Snape has been cleared of all charges, as he turned a spy for our side before Voldemort's fall. So, I warn you now don't say his name in vain." Tilly sits, and the ghost image of her disappears, leaving the room in utter confusion.

"The girl speaks the truth. The counsel cleared Snape."

"It's a lie. Snape remains faithful to the Dark Lord!" Crouch silences the room, that is in complete chaos.

He asks Igor once more; and does the man deliver. "I have one more name I'm certain of. I know he was a part of the torture of Mr and Mrs Longbottom with Bellatrix Lestrange."

"Give me the wretched name," Crouch yells, as a slender man stands up and tries to walk out of the room.

"Barty Crouch..." The room stares in shock as Rita wrights furiously. "Junior!" No one moves until Crouch Jr. tries to run for it, but Tilly grabs hold of him forcing him to stop and her to appear more clearly. Tilly holds herself and the man in the air.

"What is your name?" Albus asks once more seeing the girl more clearly now.

"For now, call me, The Half-Blood Princess," Tilly speaks confidently. "You will find that those who seem to be your foes...are actually your heroes." Tilly swoops down right in front of Crouch Sr, hold his son next to her. "Same as family can betray us." Tilly drops the man and fades away again.

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