Chapter 20 - I Love You

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Third-Person POV

4th July 1995

Tilly slowly stirred in the late hours of the morning. Tilly stretched to fight Draco next to her, dried tear stains on his face.

"Bubs, are you ok? What happened?" Draco turns to face Tilly, and as he focuses, he realises she's awake and brings her face to his in a passionate kiss.

"I love you, Till." Tilly is taken back by Draco statement and takes a moment to reply.

"I love you, Draco." Draco smashes his lips into Tilly's. As things start to get more heated, Draco pulls away, and Tilly nods agree with him. They are too young and have only been dating for five months. Not to mention both of the parents are nearby.

"Come on, I promised your Dad; I would get him when you woke." Tilly takes Draco's hand, and the two walk to find Severus.

Tilly and Draco walk into the dining room to find Narcissa and Severus having breakfast quietly while Lucius reads the paper with a very black eye.

"Till!" Snape jumps up and runs over to Tilly, tackling her in a hug, as Draco sits down. No one wanted to speak this morning, as the tension and apparent rage towards Lucius is evident.

"I hate to break the silence, but I believe all apart from Draco have somewhere to be later. So be ready." Lucius stands and walks off as Draco glares at the man. Tilly takes Draco's hand in hers.

"Draco, it's ok."

"No, it's not. He tortured you!" Tilly sighs and takes Draco outside. The two sit at the base of their tree and Draco rests his head in Tilly's lap. "I can't overlook it. I care too much about you to do that, even if we weren't dating."

"I know, baby, but for now, don't turn your back on your family. They need you, even if they don't say so." Draco nods, sitting up quickly. Draco looks at his hands and all the rings on his fingers. Taking off two identical ones.

"This one is for you, and this one is for me." Draco slips the rings on Tilly's and his finger's. Draco smiles.

"Use it as a reminder that we always have the other nearby. I love you."

"I love you more," Draco smirks leaning in.

"Don't a chance." The two laugh. Tilly loves the ring and knows she'll never take it off.

The ballroom is Malfoy Manor looked lifeless as people came to fill the seat at the table. Voldemort sat at the head of the table; Snape sat to his left. Opposite Snape, Tilly will sit, and next to Tilly, Draco will eventually sit, but his seat is empty for now. Everyone is seated apart from Tilly, as this is her moment, she plans one taking it. Snape couldn't stop his glare on Lucius and the other Death Eaters; unfortunately, Voldemort saw this.

"Severus, I understand that you don't like what Lucius and the others did to Tilly, but she made a point about not getting The Dark Mark, so she was completely willing to do as they wished."

"I understand that, My Lord, but she's my daughter; I don't have a choice to protect or not; I have to. And from what I've seen Lucius do to his son, he's lucky I let my daughter in this house." Snape yells.

"Aw, Dad, so sweet." Tilly takes her seat by Voldemort as he smiles and takes her hand.

"Dear one, how have you been?"

"Alright, little sore, but fine." Voldemort nods then looks at Lucius.

"Nice eye Lucius." Voldemort laughs. "That's what you get for hurting, my little one." Tilly cringed at the name. Only Moony and Padfoot call her and Harry little ones.

"Uncle, I think we should get to business."


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