Chapter 8 - No More Chances

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Third-Person POV

Tilly runs away from Snape's office, not wanting to have that conversation with him. Mostly because she doesn't know where, she and Draco stand, vis-a-vis their 'relationship'. Tilly finds herself walking into the Gryffindor Common Rooms, looking for Harry, when two very similar gingers, scoop her up and lift her above onto their shoulders.

"Nice one Tildie!"

"Yeah, you were brilliant!" Fred and George exclaim as they carry her over to where Harry is also being lifted. Tilly looks over to Harry as he opens his egg, and yells out to him not to, but he doesn't hear her in time. An ear-splitting scream fills the room, as everyone covers their ears. Tilly goes over to the egg and closes it up.

"I tried to say, 'Don't open it', but you never listen to me," Tilly smirks, as her brother rolls his eyes.

A yell is heard from the other side of the room; it's Ron. He walks up to Tilly and Harry, as she crosses her arm, still mad at him.

"I reckon you have to be barking mad, to put your own name in the Goblet of Fire," Ron says.

"Caught on, have you?" Tilly elbows Harry in the gut, making him bend over in pain. "Hey, just battled a dragon."

"I did too, and without a wand," Tilly says in a singsong voice. "Keep going, Ron." Ron nods.

"Well, I thought once you figured I was the one who told you about the dragons, we'd be good." Ron sighs. Tilly chuckles, as Harry sarcastically.

"Who could possibly figure that out? That's completely mental." The two boys laugh as Tilly still glares at Ron.

Tilly can hear yells from the entrance to the Common Room but ignores it.

"Is there something else you like to say, to me?" Ron sighs, knowing this was coming.

"I'm sorry said that stuff about you, and implied you'd make out with that git." Hermione and a few surrounding girl frown at Ron's words.

"Don't insult them Ronald, wrong way, wrong way!" Hermione yells. The voice of Fred, George and someone else is heard coming closer.

"I'm only here to grab her and go; then I'll be out of you ginger knots." Fred and George gasp, running their hands through their hair.

"Our hair doesn't have knots." The twins yell at Malfoy.

"Bubs, great timing. Ron is about to apologies to you." Tilly smiles, as Ron and Draco glare at each other.

"Your seriously making me do this?" Ron asks.

"Ok, how about we let the room decide if what you said, deserves an apology, shall we?" Tilly smirks seeing the dread on Ron's face. "In Ron's words, 'Why don't you go and make out with Malfoy? I'm sure he'd jump at the chance, because all he wants is to get in your pants, like the rest of the school, then he'll drop you.' Quote unquote, Ronald Weasley." Tilly looks around at the disappointed faces.

All the girls want Ron to apologies, and even most of the boys.

"Fine. Tilly, sorry I said you'd stoup to that level. And Malfoy," Ron sighs, closing his eyes as if he's having trouble talking to Draco. "Sorry for saying your only friends with Tilly to sleep with her." Tilly smiles, happy enough with these answers. Draco nods, rolls his eyes then drags Tilly out before anyone else can talk to him. Draco doesn't wait to get back to the Slytherin Rooms, he pulls Tilly into a hug, crushing her.

"Watching you fight was the worst moment of my life." Draco sobs, into Tilly's neck. Draco pulls back, quickly attaching his lips to Tilly's, wanting to be as close to her as possible right now. Tilly rests her head on Draco chest as he holds her close.

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