Chapter 2 - Marks

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Third-Person POV

8th August 1994

The game had finished, and Ireland had won, even though Krum caught the snitch. Tilly is sitting in the Weasley's tent waiting for them to come back, but not in the mood to talk to anyone. Fred and George are first in then the rest; no one notices Tilly silently sitting on a chair until Harry addresses her.

"Shouldn't you be with Malfoy?" Tilly sighs and shakes her head.

"We fought. I didn't know where to go."

"Well, we don't want here." Harry snaps and goes to his room. Tilly huffs running out of the tent, only to find the other tents on fire. Tilly sees Death Eater setting alight every tent they pass; she also knows that one will be Lucius. Tilly grabs a black cape throwing it on and moves over to them. Tilly gets them to form a circle around her, so no one sees her.

"Get out of here, now! I'll speak to you all later." She snaps, walking away to watch another Death Eater project, The Dark Mark in the sky. He turns to her slightly nodding then shoots a spell at her, and she falls to the ground, seemingly dead.

The second the match was over Draco had been running around trying to find Tilly. He didn't mean what he said. He's been stressed, and his Father threatened to hurt Tilly next time if she found out. Lucius would never dare touched Tilly, but Draco didn't know that. Harry calls out looking for Tilly in the crowd.

"Lill! Tilly!" The Weasley's and Hermione try to get him to stay with them, but he has to find his sister. Draco and Harry run into each other; both look at the other ask the same question.

"Have you seen Till?" Draco says short of breath.

"Have you seen Lill?" Harry asks. Both shake their head, and despite their hate, they both love Tilly and feel responsible for her being lost.

"We have to find her. I can't have the last thing happen between us be fighting." Draco says.

"Me too." Harry agrees.

The two frantic boys watch the man run away then Ron and Hermione appear help Harry stay standing as his scar burns. Draco sees Tilly lifeless on the ground not far and goes to her the other right behind him. Draco drops to the floor lifting Tilly head into his lap, pushing the hair out of her face. Draco tears fall and hit Tilly's face; he can't find a pulse and panics. Draco's so worked up he doesn't even see the Ministry men arrive and try to hurt them. Crouch and his men come closer even after Mr Weasley stops them.

"Which one of you did it?" The trio looks to each other than to Tilly and Draco. Everyone looks down at Tilly and realises she seems dead, and watch the blonde boy cry over her body.

"Don't leave me. I can't live without you. You're my everything, Till. Please," Draco sobs, then Tilly gasps for air. Next to The Dark Mark, words appear.

"This is a message from The Dark Lady, my followers; our time is coming. Be ready. The Dark Lord will rise again. Your Dark Lady." Everyone sees the message and looks to the others wondering what's going to happen. Draco can't do anything but hold Tilly close.

Tilly gets everyone to lift her to stand and speaks to Crouch.

"There was a man here. He cast the charm. He ran off that way." Crouch and his men go the way Tilly pointed. Tilly turns back to her friends, and Harry is the first to tackle her in a hug.

"Thank god, you're okay. You're the only blood I have left." Harry whispers. Next Hermione and Ron hold her in a quick hug, saying it's great she's alright. Then Draco stands in front of Tilly, eyes red from constant tears, body shaking from fear. Tilly looks to Hermione and Ron, and they get the message to hold back Harry. Tilly turns back to Draco, walking right up and pulling him into a hug. Draco cries on Tilly's shoulder, as his body shakes.

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