Chapter 16 - Fun and Games

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Third-Person POV

1st April 1995

Tilly is sitting on the edge of her and Draco's bed waiting for him to hop out of the shower so she can ask him a question. After what feels like hours, the water turns off and minutes later out steps and steamy Draco with water dripping from his hair. Tilly smiles, walking over to the opened arm boy before her. Holding each other in a quick hug, then pulling away Tilly looks pleadingly at Draco.

"What do you say about going to a party?" Draco nods and hums agreeing to go.

"Yeah, that sounds fun. I love spending time with my secret girlfriend. I love to small quick kisses the most." Draco smirks. Tilly plays with her fingers when asking the next part.

"I was thinking of wearing this." Tilly holds up a mini black dress. Draco looks at the dress than his girlfriend, thinking about the options here. She'll look amazing. But every boy with be looking at her. Which means I can play the overprotective best friend if I have to. Draco smiles.

"Yes, I agree you should wear that. But you'd look great in anything." Draco smirks kissing her cheek. Tilly nervously laughs dreading the last question.

"The party is at The Gryffindor Common Rooms," Draco frowns. "For Fred and George's birthday." Tilly looks at Draco watching him sigh.

"We'll still go, but I'm only going because I don't want any of those boy's or girl's touching you."

"Thanks." Tilly smiles then goes to get ready.

Hours later the party was in full swing, students of all house were there and ranging from 3rd year up. Draco had kept his distance most of the night, watching from afar as Tilly talked, danced and sung. Draco loved to see Tilly having a fun time; she'd been so worked up of everything recently, she needed this break. Tilly made Draco promised he wouldn't touch any alcohol at all, just because she knew what it does to Lucius, plus they're underage. Not to mention Tilly's Dad is only one minute away from whooping their arses. As older people and from other house start to leave, Tilly, Draco, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and the birthday boys are left, sitting in a circle, playing Dare or Veritaserum. If they don't do the dare, they have to take a shot of truth serum and then are asked a question. Draco was expecting someone to kick him out, but they let him stay knowing he is only there for Tilly.

"My turn," Ron says, picking up a bottle. "Tilly, you have to kiss..." Slowly the bottle come to a stop, in front of the one person Tilly would rather vomit than kiss, "Harry," Ron says grimly.

"Give me the damn shot." Tilly takes the shot, and they take turns asking questions. Tilly tried to answer as honestly as she could, but the Veritaserum does not affect her.

It came around to Draco's turn to spin the bottle, and it landed in between Harry and Hermione. Draco paled faster than ever, who should he kiss, his rivel or the girl he used to bully.

"Oh, my god." Ginny and Ron mumble.

"Wicked!" The twins say, grinning from ear to ear. "You have to kiss both now." The three teens frown. Tilly started to laugh at the three's grim expressions.

"Draco just kiss them." Draco huffs and moves over to Hermione first, quickly kissing her for a few seconds, and standing up. Both look shaken by the kiss, as Draco moves to Harry.

"Where's Creevey when you need him?" Tilly says to the twins. Draco kneels in front of Harry, quickly leaning in, their lips touch for a second and both jump back wiping their lips. Tilly giggles slightly as Draco sits next to her again. Harry and Hermione whisper to each other, then start laughing hysterically. "What is it?" The two look at each other and then speak.

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