Chapter 9 - Dancing

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Third-Person POV

5th December 1994

Tilly is leaning against the wall as her Dad tries to teach everyone how to dance. Tilly could see her Dad was not enjoying the teaching of dance. At all. He would rather conduct Divinations than this. Tilly walks over to her Dad, and taps his shoulder, leaning up to whisper in his ear.

"I'm going to see if we can learn with the Gryffindor's. Watching you is turning into torture." Snape nods, thanking Tilly, giving up teaching the dance. "This means you owe me a dance at the ball," Tilly yells as she runs to The Great Hall. Tilly knocks on the door, gaining everyone's attention.

"Hi Grams, do you think you could teach the Slytherin's as well? My Dad's having a bit of trouble."

"Of course, I can teach you all. Bring them here. But from my memory, Severus has always been a beautiful dancer." Minerva says proudly.

"I never said he was bad, just that he doesn't like teaching the dancing." Minerva nods, as Tilly runs back to get the Slytherin's.

Tilly comes back with the other students from her house; they are told to go to either side of the room. Boys on the left. Girls on the right. Tilly starts to walk over to Hermione when Draco grabs her hand.

"Draco, you'll be fine. You can see me from the other side of the room. Ok?" Draco sighs.

"Ok." With that one word, he walks off over near Ron and Harry, not on purpose though.

"Mr Weasley, you'll be happy to know that I have a new dance partner. Severus?" Minerva looks to the unamused man. He leans off the wall and over to the slender women. Snape bows, holding out his hand for her to take.

"May I have this dance, Minerva?" Severus asks properly. Minerva curtsies and takes Snape's hand. The two twirl around the room as the music plays.

"Now find a partner. And get dancing!" McGonagall calls. The girls stand immediately, but the boys take their time. Tilly walks to the middle and watches as a few boy's walk towards her. The only one she sees is Draco, as he confidently walks closer to her. Before her could reach her, Harry steps in between.

"Did you really think I'd let Malfoy dance with you? Plus, we have to dance the best, we're going to be seen by all." Tilly sighs, shaking her head as Draco walks over to lean agist the wall.

Tilly can tell Harry isn't the best dancer, but he would not fall over and step on her toes with a bit of practice. After Harry had squashed all her toes, Tilly comes up with an idea. Tilly waves Draco over, and he slowly approaches.

"James, let me show you have well I can dance with someone who knows what they're doing," Tilly smirks as Draco takes Harry's place. Draco's hand comfortably sit on Tilly waist and her on his shoulder, with their other hands clasped together. To start, they sway to the music, going where their feet lead them, letting the music decide. The song sped up slightly, and Draco pulls Tilly closer as they move together as one. Everyone else had stopped dancing and were watching in awe, at how beautiful they are. Draco and Tilly have been dancing together since they were able to walk.

Minerva turns to Severus while watching the two dance.

"They're excellent. Albus will want them to lead the Couples Dance when nearing the end of the night. They don't have to be each other partners, by the way." Snape nods, watching his only daughter, an only child, dance in the arms of the boy who could make her whole, or break her in pieces. "I know you're scared for her, Severus, but they're meant to be. Everyone can see it. Only a few believe it." Snape doesn't answer the mysterious words the teacher gave to him.

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