Chapter 2

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People who feel the need to control others, have no control over themselves....


The alarm from his mobile phone was chiming on the bedside cabinet. Reaching for it he noticed a text upon its screen. He turned slightly to check where Aleena was. There she was, her  face slightly marked from last nights domestic. Climbing out of the bed he grabbed his dressing gown with his phone in his hand and made way to the bathroom. He opened the phone, a message on WhatsApp, no profile picture, only a name; Izzy, 'I miss you'. Holding onto the chat he deleted it and continued on to get ready for his work day ahead as a solicitor.
Now in the kitchen, he placed some bread in the toaster and pulled out some butter and jam from the fridge. Being quiet and careful so that he did not wake Aleena, he finished his toast, grabbed his suitcase and made his way out the door. Unlocking the sleek, black BMW, he climbed on inside and made way out of the drive to make way for the city of London. Politely waving at the neighbours as he was pulling out of the cul-de-sac, (neighbours who were unaware of his drama the evening before). Adam felt he had it all under control. The way that Adam liked things.

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