Chapter 5

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Jogging bottoms, tight T-shirt and trainers on, Adam was ready to let off some steam. One of his clients had been sucking every last bit of energy out of him recently as he was preparing for trial. Life at home seemed to become mundane. Adam could not shake the feeling of thinking that life had become a bit too boring. Hitting the treadmill, his feet pounded hard upon the belt. He strapped his phone to his arm so that he could monitor his steps and had his wireless headphones in ready for any calls. A good half an hour of jogging and he decided that he had had enough for one evening. His phone was quiet this evening and today he felt a sense of calm. Packing up his bag he headed for the door to make his way home. Whilst in the car his phone was ringing but the screen was showing no caller ID. Hesitant to answer he kept looking back and forth from the connected car screen to the road. The call ended. A few seconds later and a message notification appeared. Opening the message, it read: 'why are you avoiding me'. Adam deleted the message and tossed the phone back onto the passenger seat.

Aleena was in the lounge when he entered the house, wearing a facemask with her gown and slippers on. He greeted her and she offered him a glass of wine. "No, sorry I don't want that this evening, I am trying to stick to a particular diet", he declined. "Since when?" she asked, puzzled. "Since I fucking wanted to Aleena", he snapped. Lately everything she was saying or doing was starting to irritate him. 'Why can't she just let me get on with things in peace' he thought. "I am going to take a shower and hit the bed, I have got a lot on tomorrow with my client and I want to be up and out early.

He left her there in the lounge. Turned on the shower, stripped naked and climbed inside. the water was running down and bouncing off his wide shoulders. Steam was floating like smoke into the air. Gargling water then spitting it out he grabbed the shower gel and began to wash. Looking down upon himself, he started to take note of what he wanted to achieve in the gym. The bit of belly fat that still remained had to go, that means less meals from Aleena because he was certain that she was hell bent on making him fat with the food she often cooked. Aleena did not care to watch calories. Towel now around the waist he waded across the cream, soft carpet in the hallway and entered the master bedroom. 'Why on earth does she keep so many fucking cushions on the bed?' Throwing them down on the floor by his side, he dressed then climbed under the sheets. Switching his phone off; too many message were coming through and he needed the screen not visible for the sake of himself and Aleena, he forced himself to fall asleep.

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