Chapter 17

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Aleena pushed the tray aside. 'where the hell is Adam' she thought. Robin called through the doorway to say that she had retrieved her suitcase from the cottage, explaining also that the police were there to take photos and fingerprints.

"Take me to the police station please Robin, I do need to fix this. I will fix this my way".

Showered, changed and feeling able, Aleena got into the passenger of Robin's red, small Mini Cooper. Aleena watched as they passed thatched roof houses and cobbled bridges with streams of water decorated with wild flowers on either side. The village was idyllic, picturesque and had she not been in the middle of storm full of drama, she would of felt the urge to take photos of the glorious scenery that lay before her.

The police station was like any other typical British station; cold, stark and dreary with plain walls that made Aleena feel depleted. Robin went to find a vending machine and Aleena waited for the officers who were on scene last night to re-join her. Dread began to fill her as she pondered over thoughts of what she may say once in the room. Aleena longed to know if the police had heard anything from Adam so that she could find out his current where-about.

The officers stood before her and Aleena stretched her hand out in return to greet them, however, she had no recollection of seeing their faces at all.

Aleena had found the whole interview quite fearsome. Photos had been taken of her injuries and recounting what had happened in the darkness of the cottage had rifled her. Aleena had insisted that she did not want to press charges and the police were insistent that they wished to speak to her husband. All Aleena wanted was to curl up in her own bed, next to her husband and delete this whole episode from her memory, forever.

Once she had returned to Robin's house, the pair of them had dinner and made plans to collect the rest of her belongings that Robin had missed this morning and her car. Police had evacuated now and Aleena and Robin set about cleaning the place. A charge had been made on her booking account for not checking out on time but that didn't bother her. "Robbing gits" Robin exclaimed, whilst Aleena punched in her card details into the system. "You should of given them a crime number and told them to piss off". Robin offered for Aleena to stay as long as she needed and Aleena was very grateful. "I think I will accept your offer for a few days and call work" she sounded defeated, knowing that it was time to be productive and stop procrastinating. A friendship was blooming and it was one that she may well need right now, she thought.

Aleena took her phone off charge, turned it on and immediately it rang through, beep after beep of miss call notifications. All 38 of them were Adam. Excusing herself and retreating to her 'new again' room, Aleena pushed the call button on Adams number.

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