Chapter 12

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The village of Mickleton was stunning. Aleena had her handbag, purse and wore a light jacket and a pair of trainers paired with her denim jeans to escape the cottage and get some fresh air and enjoy her stay, away from drama. She had spent time on the laptop, having a good look at the map of the area she in, so that she could ponder around some shops and purchase some goods on her travels. Abandoning her car, leaving it sat in the driveway of the cottage, she slammed the gate behind her as it squeaked and clipped into place. The air felt and smelt different to her home town, but that did not bother her. It was a warm morning and the sun was beginning to etch higher into the sky to adorn all of Gloustershire with its beauty. The bruise on her eyebrow had started to fade, leaving only a light yellow reminder. This did not bother her this morning and she had had no desire to cover it with a face full of make-up either. Another tick on the list of feeling free she thought. Just a simple splodge of moisturiser had sufficed and she was actually feeling better in regards to her appearance. Aleena was well aware of the bags that had loomed largely underneath both of her eyes, but she did not care because no one here in this beautiful, quiet village knew her. She could relax. Finally.

The high street was very small and unlike Reading that held vast shopping centres. A few quirky shops here and there that called themselves boutiques. Aleena managed to find one cute little boutique that had lots of beautiful stationary etc. Scouring its shelves she stumbled upon a leather bound journal. It was a baby pink colour and the cover felt soft and luxurious to hold. It was an A5 sized journal that when she opened it, saw it had plenty space including daily affirmations inside. Perfect she thought. She flipped it around in her hands several times and noted the cover; 'Manifestation Journal'. This was exactly what she needed she thought. Scouring more shelves she saw some jewelled pens and grabbed a handful. A short and stout lady, wearing a thin line of red lipstick up on her lips greeted her. Aleena placed her items down on the counter. "New round here love? I ain't ever seen your face round these neck of woods before", asked the lady in a high pitched tone. "Yes, I am here for the weekend, just a get away from city life for a few days", Aleena was not really in a sociable mood but it was never in her nature to be rude. "I see you have made an excellent choice here love. I have this journal myself, if you use this properly, you will be amazed at what it can do for you, or should I say, what you can do for yourself" and with that comment she winked and pulled out a sheet of navy blue, strawberry fields design by William Morris, tissue, wrapping paper. Aleena was stunned by her words. "You should get yourself and your family down to our local pub this evening for a pint or whatever it is you drink, we all enjoy new faces and cheer down here". The lady had a warm inviting aura about her. "Thank you, I may, although I am actually here alone for the weekend" she replied whilst shuffling now from one foot to the other. "No bother love, you are still very welcome, my name is Robin by the way, pleased to meet you" and she held out her hand with a strength and confidence that Aleena could only hope to mirror back.

As she walked back down the cottage garden path, shopping bag in one hand and her handbag in the other, Aleena felt it was time for something to eat and possibly a glass of wine in the back garden with a little book she had just purchased. It had been months since she had managed to pick a book up or even to enjoy or get the time to read a book.

Aleena perched her bags down on the kitchen counter and pulled the journal out of the paper. Opening the first few pages she read out a quote; You can't just let life happen to you, you have to make life happen ~ Idowu Koyenikan.

Aleena could not shift Adam from the forefront of her mind, she had however, noticed a shift in her thoughts. She was feeling tired of him and tired of thinking about him. A thought crossed her mind to reach for the mobile phone that was still tucked away in the drawer, something was telling her otherwise. Opening the fridge door she decided against a glass of wine and opted for a nice tall, fresh glass of water to sit in the garden with.

The rear garden, through the patio doors had a freshly cut, grass lawn that led deep down into what looked liked wooded area. Aleena could see little sprinkles of what appeared to be bluebells dotted about in the distance. As she edged out and further into its beauty, she could see a bramble that was full of luscious, deep red raspberries. Flashes of her childhood coursed through her mind. She dragged the circular shaped table, further into the middle of the garden to enjoy the sun whilst it was at its highest peak. Her choice of book was a typical romance, but she knew not to let the fictional fairy-tale toy with her own mind and situation.

The day began to loom into a sweet smelling evening and Aleena was starting to feel a little edgy and bored. She thought back to Robin's offer of hitting the local pub and Aleena assumed it was the one that she had passed twice during the day, that had people scattered outside its beer garden, full of laughter and cheer. Although she had passed it twice, she had not taken note of its name.

Searching through the side drawer in the hall she found a brochure with all the cottage details in and flyers with recommendations of places to visit and dine out. The Harts Head seemed to be the name of the local round here. Now climbing the wooden staircase, she pushed open the bedroom door and started to rummage through her clothes in an effort to find something to wear. She pulled out the clear toiletries bag and emptied her make-up onto a dressing table. Wrapping her hair up in a scrunchie, she started to make up her eyes with a light dusting of mauve eyeshadow and slick of black eyeliner. Aleena had an order in the way that she did her make-up, eyes first, eyebrows lightly defined, lips lightly pencilled and then the foundation. Once she was pleased with her appearance she then started to dress. She wore black jeans, a khaki kami-vest that very light and airy, sleeveless with noodle straps. Over it she wore her trusted, black, leather jacket. Aleena decided it was best to scrap the trainers that she had worn for her walk to the high street earlier and put on a pair of open-heeled and toed, black, suede boots. Picking up her phone once more from the drawer and toying with it in her hands she scanned the room for a landline and then tossed the mobile back where she wanted it and picking up the white, corded landline she called a local taxi number from the flyer that was neatly rested in front of it.

The local pub on the outside looked like a Tudor style home with its timber and plastered walls. there were many hanging baskets all around it with water dripping through the wicker as though they had just recently been watered. Inside the tables and bar were mahogany and the furniture was a deep, red velvet. Nothing much different to the local pubs herself and Adam visited back home. People were nestled around tables of all sizes and the smell of home cooked food lingered in the air. Aleena found herself a quiet spot and started to read the menu that was out on the table. Now and then she lifted her eyes to scan around to see if she could see Robin, with so far, no such luck.

Aleena ordered herself a prawn cocktail starter, steak and chips for main followed by a bread and butter pudding and a glass of house red to wash it all down with. Halfway through the main and a figure was standing before her. Slowly looking up, Aleena noticed that it was Robin from the boutique. Robin ushered her to join the table that herself and friends had sat at and so Aleena grabbed her meal and wine and made her way across the pub. They were all female, Robin's friends, which was a relief for Aleena. The dessert arrived and Aleena was now well ahead of the others with the food but this didn't bother her. She was beginning to lighten up and enjoy the company. She found it refreshing listening to their light and airy gossip. Aleena was amongst a group of confident and self-assured women and she felt a moment of empowerment. Everyone exchanged mobile numbers, selfies were taken and added to social media accounts, full of laughter and the night seemed to end as quick as it started. The landlord was calling for last orders but the ladies were feeling like their night had just begun. Aleena decided to order herself another drink to make the most of her first evening out without drama in a long while. The cottage was only a short walk away but the ladies insisted that it was best for Aleena to get taxi. Taxis ordered, everyone went their own separate ways and promises were made that contact would be kept between the five of them.

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