Chapter 10

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Aleena had been trying his mobile constantly now, over and over again. Voicemail.

Deciding to give it a break she thought it best to try and get a few extra hours of sleep. She had cleaned the broken cup, mopped the bathroom floor and put everything back in order. A plaster was now strapped to her hand and her head felt heavy. Throwing the numerous cushions off her bed, she climbed in and floated away to her dreams.

Thank god it is the weekend she thought, as she stirred in her bed. Once again she tried Adam's phone but still no luck. Scrolling through her phone book, her finger paused over her mother's number. Tossing the phone back down onto the bed, without even dialling it she started to open her drawers, grabbing clothes, also throwing them onto the bed. Marching down the hallway, she opened the loft and climbed the pull down stairs. Pulling down a large, neon pink suitcase, she dragged it back to the bedroom. Furiously she began to toss clothes in. Next her hair straighteners, hairdryer and other essentials. Placing all the new make-up products she had recently purchased into a clear case, she threw that in also and then zipped the case. Dragging the case now step by step, making loud thuds as she went she quickly made herself some toast, grabbed a ready made protein shake from the fridge and picked up her jacket and keys.

Hurriedly, she opened the boot of her car, lifted the case and dropped it in. As she was about to jump into the drivers she heard her name being called; "Aleena, hey, are you ok?", she turned to see Phillipa on her driveway. "Hey Phil, lovely to see you last night. Hope we can catch up again soon. "Is everything alright Aleena? You do not seem yourself" enquired Phillipa, with a quizzical look on her face. "Yeah yeah, I am fine, I just had a little bit much to drink last night and work has been exhausting me but honestly I am good. You?", "sorry what" Phillipa said, now looking a little concerned. "You, Phillipa, are you good?" asked Aleena. "Oh, yeah, same. Catch you later then" and with that Aleena climbed into the drivers side, slammed the door shut. Smiling and a quick wave, she started the car, reversed and revved hard off the street.

Hitting the motorway, she decided to make way for the Cotswolds. Deciding that she would find a cottage for a couple of nights to get her head down and decide on her next plan. Stopping at a service station, halfway, along the M4, she logged onto and found herself a cute, idyllic, two bed cottage in the very centre of the Cotswolds. Perfect she thought. It stated that the keys could also be collected from the property itself from inside a key lock-safe which meant she could avoid any contact with anyone else.

One hour and half later she had arrived. Aleena crunched her car wheels over the gravel drive. Beautiful potted plants were dotted all over, ivy was growing wild and thick up the exterior of a picturesque cottage that had a thatched roof. Stepping out of the car she admired the cottage, gardens and all it's beauty. Punching the numbers into the key safe, she released the key and entered the cottage. Solid oak floors adorned its floors, the walls were cream and seemed new. There was a side table against the wall with a fresh vase of flowers, lily's just starting to open. Dragging her suitcase through the hall she now faced a solid wood, open staircase. Aleena had a good scout about and flicked lights on and off to make sure that everything was in order. She felt an over whelming feeling of peace surrounding her and began to like what she felt.

Her plan was to remain here for the weekend. She needed to relax and think things through very carefully. Aleena knew full well that no decision should be made in anger. Deep down she felt sick and tired of the aching anxiety she had been feeling for months in the pit of her stomach. She needed this to be released. Until that feeling had shifted she felt like she needed the earth to swallow her and rebirth her as a new being; a woman that could only feel happiness because that woman whom she used to be did not reside in this empty, lonely shell anymore. When had she become so dependant on what another being she thought or even thought about herself?  When had she decided to give her all to someone else but to lose herself whilst doing so?

Throwing herself down in a large, brown leather armchair, Aleena sat with her fingertips on her temples, rubbing them slowly, going over images in her mind of the early days. The memories of feeling infatuated with Adam. The memories of foolish love, where no one else in the world mattered because her sole thoughts were of him and him alone. The days where she would wake singing to the radio, dance around, felt great within herself, inside and out. Now tilting her head back pushing further into the leather she released a long sigh followed by a heart wrenching sob as she thought about the Aleena she had now become, Old Aleena faded into the background, like ink on a page that had been blurred out by a drop of water. She felt she had been drowned out.

No! Enough of this shit she thought. Self pity is not worth it, procrastination has made her weak so far. She stood up, brushed herself down, wiped her cheeks and marched into the farmhouse style kitchen. There was a huge fridge-freezer in the corner and she swung its door open to find nothing but bare shelves. Aleena picked up her handbag, car keys and phone and made way to the nearest supermarket. Food and rest. these were her top priorities so far.

The streets in the Cotwolds were truly charming. Aleena felt like she could remain here forever, avoiding city life and stress. For the first time in months her imagination began to buzz with possibilities of enjoying herself. fantasizing about owning her own little holiday cottage that she could escape to, as and when she pleased and that she could also let out at the times she was not visiting and using it herself. An extra income as a bonus also. It was just a thought, but something that could be made possible. Pulling up outside a Tesco express she entered automatic doors and grabbed a shopping basket. The thought crossed her mind to head straight for the wine aisle, but her tummy began to rumble and she realised that it really was time to start to get her act in order.

scoping the vegetable aisle she began to grab bits of everyday essentials to get by with meals. Toiletries 'were next and then lastly it was a simple white bottle of wine that she thought she would have whilst dining alone just to ease the anxiety.

Once back at the cottage she ate well. Making herself a bubble bath, she switched off her mobile phone and tucked it away in a drawer of the unit that was in the hall way. Peace and quiet is what she needed. The bath was soothing and she decided to take a last glass of wine to bed with her. Aleena tried to remember the last time she had slept the night out, away from Adam, then she tried even harder to push all thoughts of him aside, She knew deep down that emotionally she was in for a long night. Reaching for her laptop, she typed in Netflix and scoured the comedy section so that she could attempt to keep her spirits up before finally falling asleep.

Aleena woke in the dead of the night and had a sudden urge to turn on her phone with a feeling of hope that Adam had texted her. She wanted him to miss her, to wonder. She started to question herself what exactly did she want. Did she want Adam to change? Is it even possible for him to change? Again confused feelings were causing her a knot of anxiety in her stomach. Climbing out of the sheets, she reached for her diary that she had brought with her. She had to make a start somewhere, so she began starting at the very beginning, reading the first entry that she had made. Already she did not like what she was reading. A very upset and what appeared to be slightly drunk Aleena had poured her heart onto these pages. Then she remembered that the diary had been suggested to her so that she could grab hold of her own life back and read back and see the things that could be changed. It wasn't long before she drifted back off.

Aleena woke with a plan. A plan to go into town, enjoy some fresh air by walking there, taking in her new surroundings and to purchase a brand new diary; one that could be filled, she hoped, with a new, evolving Aleena. Deciding to leave her mobile still in the drawer where she had abandoned it, she felt a sense of pride, proud of this huge step that she had taken to gain some peace and clarity.

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