Chapter 15

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Her arms were now scratched adding to the other injuries due to her running through the brambles she had admired earlier in the afternoon. Her heart felt heavy and was pounding hard within her chest. She could feel it tightening with every breath. Robin had her arms around her shoulders whilst the male officer was taking her statement. A blanket had been wrapped around her and as Aleena looked down at her bare feet, she could see mud, scratches and bruises. It was not a pretty sight and Aleena was feeling exhausted. Robin had asked her to stay at her place, until the officers had finished looking at the cottage, collecting evidence. Aleena had been reluctant to give details, also refusing to go to the station for further enquiry. "Officer, what she needs is a good sleep and something to eat, then maybe once she feels a little up to it she can come in and talk further with you", clipped Robin, still pulling her in to her arms, mothering her.

An hour later and Aleena was in a new, unknown house, climbing into yet another bed that was not her own. She did not care, she just wanted to close her eyes, forget the world, forget the night, forget everything.

Aleena lay back in the bed and went over the events of the evening. Images of Adam dragging her and hitting her flooded through her mind. She was so angry with him but at the same time she knew that she still felt love and affection for this man, this man that had become an abuser. Paramedics that had arrived on scene had given her a good once over. Luckily nothing was broken but her face was swollen and she knew that come the morning it would not be a pretty sight. Aleena did not even have the energy to take a shower whilst at Robins. Instead she was hiding under the sheets like a hermit, still covered in mud and Adams blood. She hated herself for hitting him with the vase but knew she had had no choice at the time. Aleena knew it was time now to take action. Adam had obviously logged into her account and had been able to access her place of stay plus the key code for the key. At least here at Robin's house she was safe and he was not aware of her or her home, or at least she thought. This time she thought, she needs to be more cautious and start to think rationally for a change.

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