Chapter 7

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It was Thursday, Aleena had one day left until the dinner party at Bettys. Her mousy hair had been cut and blow-dried beautifully, her locks resting just below her shoulder blades now adorned with very light streaks of blonde. Her own, lengthy nails had been pained a natural nude colour with a layer of gel over to keep them shiny, neat and intact. Aleena started to feel a bit better about herself.

It was time to hit the Oracle shopping centre in Reading Town centre to find a new outfit. Aleena was tired of wearing the same things over and over. She would not be at work until the late afternoon today, so she had plenty of time to spare.

Scouring the shops she found herself a beautiful, burgundy coloured shift dress. It had delicate, small white flowers printed on that looked like miniature Jasmine petals. in two minds of what kind of footwear to wear, she opted for a more smart/casual approach due to it being in Betty's house. Black tights were hanging down the end of an aisle and she chose to opt for the 40 denier set. Black suede ankle boots with a small chunky heel and a gold zip up either side caught her eye to finish the look off.

Whilst walking past a full-length mirror she caught a glimpse of herself. Aleena walked up to the mirror and took a long hard look at herself. Her appearance had altered a lot lately, she could see in her face that she was looking tired. This needs to be fixed, she thought

Hitting the next department store she started to explore all the new ranges of foundation that were now available, noting at the same time that the make-up department had seriously expanded in the past ten years. 'Where do I start' she sighed. Giving into her shyness she thought it best to ask a member of staff for some assistance. Fifteen minutes later, Aleena had a huge hole in her purse and a shed load of products that she was not too sure what to do with.

Friday approached, both herself and Adam were ready to meet their neighbours and friends at Betty's for dinner. Aleena thought that Adam looked extremely handsome this evening. Noticing that his body seemed to be more in shape and that the white collared polo-shirt he was wearing emphasized his shoulders and biceps. "Are you only wearing a shirt Adam?", "What do you want me to wear Aleena, it is not exactly cold outside and once I have had a drink down me I wouldn't feel it anyway" he replied sharply. He turned to look at Aleena, "your hair looks nice". Aleena was surprised by this compliment and smiled affectionately at him. "Shall we have a quick one to warm us up before we get round there?" she asked, walking to the fridge to collect a bottle of chardonnay. "Go on then, but I think actually I will have something a bit stronger, I think I will have a Jack Daniels". Pouring herself a glass of chardonnay she reached for a tumbler from the glass cabinet and poured Adam his chosen drink. Entering the hallway Adam smoothed down his dark hair and brushed down invisible dirt from his shoulders. Aleena reached for her black, leather jacket from the hook and they headed across the cul-de-sac to Betty's.

Betty's garden was all straight clean lines. Her lawn was immaculate and her path one straight clear line of concrete. It was all no fuss. Her blinds were vertical and all opened slightly. Silhouettes of people were making movements in the lounge window. Aleena rang the doorbell and heels could be heard approaching the door. The door swung open and Betty appeared. Her hair was down, free, long and swinging gracefully as she moved. She wore a chiffon, crisp white blouse that had buttons open at the cleavage, at her waist was a tight little brown designer belt wrapped around her synched waist, perched on top of her black, tight skinny jeans. On her feet a pair of nude coloured, patent, pointed stiletto heels. Aleena watched as Adams eyes took it all in from top to toe. Aleena did not let this bother her and greeted Betty well; "You look amazing, Betty as usual", "Thank you darling, I dare say Aleena, I was about to tell you it was about time you did something with that hair of yours and it seems you read my mind! What a difference I love it", Betty cooed. Aleena was not sure if this was actually a compliment or not. "Are all the other guys here?" Aleena asked, in need of more than just Betty. "Yes, everyone is in the lounge, go straight in".

Phillipa and Sean were sat on the sofa with a glass in their hand each. Sean was constantly leaning forward and dipping his hands into the nibble tray. Adam made his way over to James who was stood over by the light shade, he appeared to of been speaking to Betty before their arrival.

The smell of food coming from the kitchen was divine. Aleena was feeling peckish and a little bit fresh from the wine. Everyone seemed to be in great spirits and she felt like she could relax for the evening.

Betty was a solicitor like Adam, however, she specialised in divorce and him in criminal law but this did not deter them from talking about work.

All in the dining room now strategically placed around the table, the starters were served. Betty had chosen an Indian theme this evening. Meat and vegetable samosa were set out on a platter, next to that were potato pakoras, a tray of chutneys and sauces, with a bowl of salad and also a basket of poppadum's were all placed upon the silver coloured table runner. Wine, beer and spirits were flowing heavily as the night evolved. Course after course, laughter and voices were getting louder and now the music was playing. Aleena felt happy and like she could let loose. Adam was looking in good spirits also she was pleased to see. Now and the Aleena as she walked past him she would touch him or grab him and he mirrored her actions. As the night wound down a little, James had decided that he was ready for home. It was the four of them left.

"Twister anyone?" asked Betty in a devilish tone, "Not for me Bets", Aleena was adamant that she was not playing this game. "Why do you have to be a fucking bore Aleena" Adam blurted out. She blushed and everyone fell silent. "Oh I know, what about a game of Black Jack, I love a good card game" Betty was quick at diverting the attention. Aleena was grateful and jumped straight in.

"How about some new rules to the game, if you win, you down a neat shot of a chosen spirit?" Betty asked, her eyes alight. Everyone agreed and the cards were dealt. Aleena was starting to feel a little bit tipsy now but still continued with the game. Whilst setting her cards in her hand, Adam was sat to her right hand side, Aleena felt a foot rub up her leg. Shocked she looked straight forward and noticed that Betty was looking at Adam direct in the face. Furious but trying to not make it obvious that she knew that Betty had made a mistake and rubbed the wrong leg and not wanting to embarrass 'herself by causing a scene she made an excuse to leave the table. "I have to go to the bathroom, excuse me".

Facing the mirror she wanted to cry. This bullshit needs to stop she thought. Aleena wanted him so bad. She wanted to feel his tender touch all over her again. She wanted to feel his eyes undressing her again. 'How do I get him, my husband, without seeming desperate?'

Fixing her hair and reapplying some mauve, pink lipstick, she paraded out of the bathroom, back down the stairs, headed straight to the dining area and walked up to Adam, she leant over and whispered in his ear "I want you to fuck me tonight like you never had before". Adam looked shocked and pulled her by her wrist to bring her to sit back on the chair at the side of him. He leant in close to her now, "Aleena I do not like this talk out of your mouth, you have had too much to drink". The moment was killed. Or so she thought. One last game and Sean and Phillipa decided it was time for them to call it a night also. "Come on Aleena, let's get you home also" Adam said. "Is there any need to speak to me like a fucking child Adam" she shouted back. You could cut the air with a knife and it was now evident that things were becoming a little rocky between the two. Aleena did not care, she was starting to see it for herself. The problem was she didn't know what to do about it.

As they walked back over the road, she kept thinking about Betty's foot on her leg. She was certain that she intended to rub Adam. How could she. They had been friends for two years, ever since Betty came to this street.

once back in the house Aleena kicked off her shoes and made way for the fridge. Pulling out the last of the bottle of chardonnay she grabbed a glass and emptied it. "would you like to join me on the sofa Adam", "No, I am going to bed".

Aleena woke with a banging head, as she came around she realised that it was becoming light but she was not in her bed. Clothes still on from the previous night she got up off the sofa and began to walk to her bedroom. Glancing inside she could see that their master bedroom's bed was still made immaculately with all the cushions perfectly poised on top. Panic struck her, Adam never left the house this early in the morning. Looking at the alarm clock in her bedside she could see that it was 4am. Quickly, she walked to the guest room but that was also still made with no sign that anyone had even slept in it.

'Where the hell is Adam?' she thought. Head still pounding.

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