Chapter 6

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Storming into the bedroom to find Adam already asleep, clearly no care to spend time with her was making a feeling of hurt and anger rise within her. She crept up close to him and leant forward, fully focusing on his face. His breathing was soft and slow paced. He was sleeping properly. Turning around she saw his phone on the bedside drawer and picked it up. Clicking the side button, she noticed that the screens face was not lighting up. When did he start turning it off? she started to wonder. With her head now heavy with a million thoughts rushing to her at once, she felt like waking him and asking him what the hell was going on. Her face was still saw from the previous night and she could not handle another domestic right now. After a few moments of wondering, she grabbed the phone and walked to the bathroom. Pacing the tiled floor, waiting for it to turn on, the adrenaline was building inside her, she could feel it pulling through her from her toes to her fingertips. With a slight shake in her hands the phone came on. Several times she tried his password, however, she could not get into it. Had she forgotten it she thought? It had been so long since she had ever felt the need to pick his phone up. Suddenly, the phone beeped loud, repeatedly, echoing, the sound bouncing off the tiled walls. Panic rose in her and she swiftly tried to get back to the bedroom.

Adam was up at the doorway. What the fuck are you playing at he shouted. When did you start turning your phone off? she bawled back. Lunging forwards towards her, he snatched the phone from her hands. Clearly you have issues Aleena, shall I start going through your phone and sneaking off?. His words hit her like a sharp blade through soft fruit. Don't speak to me like that, I am not the one with issues, you physically hurt me then have the fucking nerve to bring me flowers exclaiming that I was also to blame. You have issues Adam! Aleena was furious now. I have clients that ring this phone nonstop and I just needed a break, ok. You need to get your head seen to. Not wanting to tolerate anymore of his attitude or for it to escalate, she stormed back down the stairs and filled her wine glass to the brim. Downing it in big gulps, the tears started to trickle, warm and salty once again down her cheeks.

Another glass later she decided it was time to call it a night, only this time she was not sharing a bed with no one. This time she was getting into the guest bed in the spare room.

Propped up on the mauve and white pillows, she pulled out her phone and typed into the internet engine search; ways to tell if your husband is having an affair. Two things caught her attention from the list: distanced behaviour and taking a new interest in their appearance. Aleena switched off her phone and realised that she did not want to read any further into the matter. Constantly exhausted lately, she realised she needed to make plans to put herself first.

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