Chapter 18

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The phone vibrated across Betty's mirrored drawers at the side of him. Adam reached out, with his left side of his face rested upon the pillow. Grabbing the phone he looked at the screen that had now stopped ringing; a missed call alert showed up from Aleena. Adam now sat and perched himself upon the pillows. Betty was absent from the room and he assumed that she was still lingering around in the spare room. At least Aleena had tried to call him, he thought to himself but decided against calling her back. Climbing out of the bed, he went in search of Betty.

Betty was perched at the kitchen table wearing a gold, satin gown that revealed a black bra strap, bare, tanned chest and bare legs. Adam gave her a look from head to toe, admired her and greeted her. "Good morning Betty, any breakfast?" he asked her, whilst placing himself opposite her. "There is some coffee already brewed in the machine, but if you think I am going to start acting as your wife Adam, then you have another thing coming. Especially after the way that you discarded me last night" she replied in a matter of fact tone. "Wow, is that all it is with you, fucking sex, Betty?", "No but you didn't have to be so rude", "For fucksake, I have a banging head, my head was cut and bleeding, you even said yourself that I may need to see a doctor and there you were in the bed attempting to make moves on me, like what the fuck was that?" he now yelled. Betty poured him fresh coffee and slammed it down before him upon the table. "I was just trying to show you some fucking affection Adam, but I guess you don't even know what that is do you? Where is your wife anyway, has she woken up and smelt the coffee" Betty's tone was sarcastic and it hit nerves in Adam that he did not like. "Don't you speak to me in that way Betty, and certainly do not mention my wife. You are a fucking whore, an easy woman with no care for anyone's feelings", Adam got up and now loomed over her as he spoke. Betty felt intimidated and did not like the side of Adam that she was witnessing. Gritting her teeth, she leant up towards his face, "I tried to help you, you piece of shit, now get your things and get the fuck out of my house".

Adam exited the room and directly walked to collect his clothes, keys, wallet and phone. He reappeared before her, "Thanks all the same" he called out to her and stepped out of the front door, marching across to his own house.

Pushing the key in the door and turning the handle, upon the doormat he noticed a card lain, writing and police emblem facing upwards. He picked it up and read it. The police had tried to call to speak to him about the incident with Aleena and there had been a number left on it for him to make contact. He threw the card down on a side table, pulled his phone out of his pocket and decided to phone Aleena. He needed to get himself in order and sort out what had been said to the police so far. Adam could not face the thought of sitting in a cell, not him, after all he was a solicitor, the man who usually helps criminals, gets them freedom or lessens their sentences. How can he be sat at the opposite side of the interview table now. No, this would not do, he thought. He could not allow his image to be tarnished over petty arguments. Aleena would have his back he thought, like she always did. This time was a mistake, this time it was in another village, town and in another home. A mistake Adam would never make again.

He pressed call on her name and the tone rang a few times before she answered. Her voice was quiet and sounded fragile. Goosebumps flashed across his skin and he realised he missed her. He needed to be cautious and be careful with his words, he needed her here, in their home, where she belongs.

"Aleena, talk to me, I need to know that you are ok, that we can talk and sort through this. I know that I have taken things too far this time and I will go to the police and resolve it. Please.", he paused waiting for her to speak, to hear her voice again. A long sigh was heard down the phone and then she spoke so faintly; "I can't go on like this Adam", "Aleena, please listen. I know you can't and neither can I, we should meet have a chat, come on we will have a coffee, go for something to eat, anything you like, like the good old days. Don't you miss that, don't you miss us?" Adam sounded like he was pleading now and his hands began to tremble. "You do not need to go to the police, I can sort that matter. I am sorry for what I did to your head", Aleena sounded genuine and this sent a sense of calmness throughout him. "Let us arrange somewhere and meet, where would you like to go?", "Ok Adam, we can meet and chat, but you must come to where I decide, is that ok?", "You just name the place and time and I will be there". "I will text you the time and place, I have to go". The call ended abruptly and beeps could be heard at the receiving end. Adam dropped the phone and vanished up the stairs to take a shower.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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