Chapter 11

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His feet were hitting the floor faster and faster as he paced and paced, mobile phone in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other. His patience was wearing thinner with every voicemail beep that could be heard and not answered by her. Aleena. "That fucking bitch!" he shouted as he threw the now empty glass bottle at the exterior door. He had no time for games and he hated not being in control. Pieces of his ego were beginning to flake away.

Storming the stairs now, he began to rummage through Aleena's drawers to see if he could notice if anything had gone. He realised then in that moment that it had been a while since he had paid attention to any of her clothes or possessions and so was unsure of anything being out of place. He sat down now on the bed, once again pressing the call button on her number. Tossing the phone down on the bed he began to pace the stairs. Something caught his eye out of the top corner. The ceiling of the stairs was out of place. He noticed that Aleena must of moved the panel to enter the attic. Grabbing the stick that is used to pull the stairs down, he yanked hard and ascended to the next level. Here he did notice that the suitcase she uses to travel abroad was not there, where he had placed himself when they returned from Dalman, Turkey, last August. Descending the stairs and leaving everything open, he rushed downstairs and reached for his laptop from his briefcase. First he scoured emails and saw no sign of anything from Aleena. He attempted to login to find my phone, in an attempt to track het phone but had no joy. "Where the fuck are you Aleena" he bellowed once more with a loud and angry tone. He had not had dinner waiting for him on the table for the past two nights and take out were not what he craved. Poor diet was reflecting in his complexion. Late nights and burning the candle at both ends were beginning to show in his energy levels and he was starting to lack enthusiasm for the gym. His anger just kept on building and he sought no responsibility for his own actions, instead he repeatedly cursed his wife. Aleena

Opening a new tab on his screen, he typed in Just Eat, into the search drive to order yet again another take out that would deliver. Leaving the lager alone, he now opted for something stronger and went to the crystal canisters that housed numerous spirits like port, whiskey and scotch. He didn't care which one was which at this point. He picked up the square shaped, crystal decanter and threw himself back down into the sofa, his laptop sat at the side of him, mobile phone next in line and picked up the remote.

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