Chapter 9

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Braying on the door now in total panic, assuming that Adam had made his way back over to Betty's, she could see Betty appearing through the glass on the door. The door was pulled open and Aleena saw her dressed in a silk robe, bare skin underneath, legs bare.

"Did Adam return here last night after we left?" she asks with distress present in her tone. Betty scratched the back of her neck and whilst burrowing her brows together replied in a convincingly confused tone, "no Aleena, I have not seen him, is everything ok, have you tried his mobile?". Aleena was pacing the path now, "it just goes to voicemail. He never leaves this early". "Look I don't know honey, maybe just wait at home and see when he turns up". Aleena was feeling confused now, again a mixture of feelings were running through her. She started to feel ashamed that she had brayed on Betty's door. What must she look like, a fucking bunny boiler.

Aleena turned and started to head back towards her home, shouting as she did so, "I will call you later Betty. Thanks once again for last night".

Back in the house she tried his phone again using the house phone that was on top of the white phone table. Still voicemail. She needed to think straight. Aware she had drank too much the night before due to her throbbing head she made her way to the kitchen to grab some painkillers. Flicking the kettle on she made herself a large cup of coffee and carried it upstairs to the bathroom. Whilst the shower was running she sat upon the toilet seat drinking from the cup. The shower cubicle was filling with steam and she began to strip. Taking one last swig of the strong coffee she realised she had not even checked to see if his car was still in the drive. How can I miss that she thought. She climbed upon the toilet seat lid and unlocked the frosted glassed, small window. Pushing it open she popped her head through, peering down into the drive. "His fucking car is still here" she thought out aloud.

Fear and adrenaline were now running through her. Aleena was now pacing the bath mat whilst rubbing her temples. Something in the pit of her stomach was telling her that something is not quite right. Attempting to think rationally, she pulled open the shower door and climbed inside. The water that drummed down upon her was soothing. The sound of the water hitting the tiled floor was slowing her rushed, angry thoughts. She wondered what would Adam do if she locked him out, did not allow him back through the door, but also realised that if she was at the other side of it she would give in too quickly and open the door, letting him swan right back in. Whilst she was toying with scenarios in her head of her next move, through the sound of the water she could hear the beep of Adam's car being unlocked. She was startled, frozen for a moment then she quickly pushed open the glass shower door, raced to the window above the toilet. She slipped, knocking the empty cup on the floor, it shattered everywhere. As she pulled herself up holding the radiator with her right hand and the bath tub with her left, she heard the wheels of the BMW speed off. Reaching the window, she turned the handle once again to open it and noticed blood drip down from the side of her right hand palm. The car had gone.

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